
Essay by Anonymous UserHigh School, 10th gradeA-, November 1996

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Geronimo's grandfather, Maco, had been the chief of the Nedni Apaches. He had been of great size and strength. When Maco had been chief his principle wars had been against the Mexicans. They were seldom at great length of peace with the Mexicans. When Maco's son (Geronimo's Dad) became a warrior, Maco died. Geronimo's father could not become the chief of the Nedni's, because he married a woman from the Bedonkohe Apaches. The two had 8 children- four boys and four girls, including Geronimo. The possibility that one of the boys would become chief of he Bedonkohe was very slim. His mother taught him the legends of his people; taught him the sun and sky, the moon and stars, the clouds and storms. She also taught him to kneel and pray to Usen fir strength, health, wisdom, and protection. When the children were young they would play with each other and sometimes with their mother and father.

When they were grown up enough to do real services they went to the field with their parents: not to play, but to toil. They did not cultivate tobacco, but they found it in the wild. All of Geronimo's tribe smoked, both men and woman. No boy was allowed to smoke until he could hunt alone and kill large game such as; wolves, bear, deer, etc. Geronimo's father died when Geronimo was at a young age. They wrapped his father in his finest clothes, painted his face, wrapped a rich blanket around him, saddled his favorite horse, bore his arms in front of him, and led his horse behind, repeating in wailing tones his deeds of valor as they carried his body to a cave in the mountain. They then slew his horses and gave way...