Global Communications Problem Solution

Essay by tooda24University, Master's May 2008

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Throughout this analysis, I will be presenting the challenges that Global Communications dealt with prior to and following the completion of an insistent move toward becoming an actual global resource. Global Communications (GC) needs to make tough decisions about the current company structure and products in order to be competitive and move forward to generate profits. To make this happen the company must look at cost and revisit the traditional environment of its current operation. Like GC, many large, profitable businesses have experienced similar issues and made the decision to outsource. Researching various companies, some with the same product lines and services, outsourcing has proven to be lucrative. Some decided to outsource just certain parts of their organizations.

The telecommunication industry was advancing, but Global Communications was being left behind. I have created this analysis to show the problems and potential solutions Global Communications has dealt with along with the ethical dilemmas faced by the stakeholders and the end state vision of the company.

My paper will include the comprehensive gap analysis for Global Communications; what is going with them at this point in time and where the company is trying to be, regaining the reputation of being one of the largest, progressing global tools throughout the telecommunication industry. Global Communication suffers from the stress of the industries and trying to maintain competition while observing their stock prices falling. The stockholders are pressuring Global Communications to correct the problem, along with coming up with new innovative ways to keep the consumers wanting to do business with Global Communications. This analysis is designed to show optional solutions to Global Communications present tribulations, risk management for the suggested alternative solutions, the optimal solution and finally the implementation plan to deal with the problem.

Situation AnalysisIssue and Opportunity IdentificationSeveral issues are...