Holden Caufield

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate January 2002

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When we left Holden at the end of the story, he was on his way home. Shortly after this occurred, he was sent to another rest home in order to recover from his mental breakdown. While there he was preparing to enroll in another, different school for another try at an education. This attempt failed when his mental problems took the best of him.

Unsure on where his life would lead him next, Holden decided to move home again to live with his family. For a few years he remained there, until he turned 25. Once again he tried to move out on his own, and after a few months of trying he was successful, settling in an upstate New York town.

As he gained employment as a printer at a local newspaper, he met a woman who also worked there and they began to date. After 2 years of discussing it, they decided to get married and start a family.

Living in New York, Holden and his wife had a son three months after they became married. He grew up to be an active young boy, holding a striking resemblance to Holden, but not following in his father's footsteps of frequent mental disorders.

As for Holden's mental problems of his youth, they did not completely fade out. While living with his family, he experienced another breakdown, and hospitalization was needed until he seemed to recover. A return home was upcoming in the future weeks, until another decline in his condition prevented that from happening.

The following months were not any better. Holden remained in the hospital, and despite frequent visits from his family and friends, his condition did not seem to get better at all. Then, one spring day, he made a turn for the better. He began not to think so negatively about life and everything in it. Soon after this day he was permitted to return to his home with his family and try and start a normal life again.

It seemed that all that was needed for Holden was to return to his wife and son, and return to his job. Regaining a normal life did the trick, and when he returned to the paper, he was not hired as his old job as a printer, but as a writer instead where he achieved immediate success. He continued working at this job for most of his life, until retiring age.

His son was now leaving high school and preparing for a college education as he was leaving his job at the paper. His wife also retired from her job when Holden did, and they remained at their home, while their son moved away. Living happily, they decided to relocate to a smaller home when the house became simply too large for the two of them.

Even through the ups and downs in our character's life, he prevailed over his mental problems and proved to the world that he too could live a normal, happy life just like anyone else can.