Human Fetal Growth

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate April 2001

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Human Fetal Growth I Objective: 1. To better understand the growth of a human fetus.

II Materials: Metric ruler III Procedure: 1. Examine the stages show and note that they are show at 40% of the actual size.

2. Measure the fetuses and take down the lengths of each part.

3. Total them together and multiply by 2.5 to get the actual size.

Length of a developing fetus (mm) Age of fetus Body length Thigh length Leg length Total Actual 2 - - - - 2 9 16 5 4 25 62.5 16 28 11 10 49 122.5 20 51 24 21 96 240 24 60 24 26 110 275 32 64 31 26 126 315 38 78 42 36 156 390 Mass of a developing fetus Weeks Grams Weeks Grams 4 0.5 24 650 8 1 28 1100 12 15 32 1700 16 100 36 2400 20 300 38 3300 V.

Questions: 1. The actual length of the fetus at week 9 is 62.5 millimeters.

2. The amount of mass the fetus gain from zero to eight weeks is on half of a gram.

3. a) Yes the fetus is at half its full length at week 19.

b) No the fetus is not at half its full mass at week 19.

4. The total length of the fetus was multiplied by 2.5 to get actual length because the fetus is shown at 40% its natural length.

5. The length increases faster than the mass because many of the internal organs are not yet fully developed but the bones are.

6. a) The fetus reaches half its full length at week 19.

b) The fetus reaches half its full mass at week 32.

7. a) The baby that is 2200 grams is 35 weeks old.

b) The baby that is 1800 grams is 33 weeks old.

VI Conclusion: This lab has taught me the stages of life within the mother's womb.