Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory Aspects of E-Business

Essay by fred4646University, Bachelor'sA-, January 2009

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E-business is the administration of conducting business via the Internet. That includes purchasing and selling of products and services, along with providing technical and customer support through the web. E-business has been and still is a term used in coincidence with e-commerce. However, it includes services in addition to the sale of products. New web sites flood the Internet every day, each of them showing or selling a product. The organization's that own the web site of Cars will be examined to see if the website follows the legal, ethical, and regulatory aspects of the e-business. Cars Direct Web site offers car options in a clear and formatted way for consumers as indicated in the name of the Web Site: Cars Direct. A person who has had little experience on the Internet can navigate this Web Site successfully. The site is user friendly and portrays a straight forward home page for searching for cars.

Legal IssuesE-business is the fundamental outline of the terms and conditions of the website, which govern the conduct in which the website is used. The website has precise obligations that the end users must agree by before entering the website. The comprehensive custom Terms and Conditions should be dividing from the Terms and Conditions for online ordering. Online ordering Terms and Conditions should plan the miscellaneous terms of the order contentment that must be consent to before the undertaken of the transaction. The websites should condition the Terms and Conditions; whether for general use or ordering cannot be fluctuated by the consumers unless there has been a before written covenant. "Terms and Conditions should be present on the website in the form of an agreement known as a "click wrap" agreement," (E-business Guide, 2008).

Therefore, with the consumer is viewing the website the...