The Maid Who Kept Her Faith Even to the Stake, a comparison of the movie Joan of Arc

Essay by a0KaeliJunior High, 9th gradeA+, April 2005

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        Imagine dying on a stake because it was God's will. The flames parch your toes and engulf every part of you, but you don't feel it because you are numb with faith. You look up to Heaven with the satisfaction that your reward is great and slowly surrender your body to the scorching heat. Life leaves you like steam from boiling water and travels up to accept its reward.

        This is precisely what happened to Joan of Arc. I chose to research this movie because her faith in God was strong, and I wanted to learn more about her. My intentions are to summarize this movie based on fact and explain what parts are actual fact and what parts are fiction. Although Joan was displayed as an inspirational and courageous heroin in the CBS movie Joan of Arc, the facts and details strayed far from the truth.

        In the beginning of the movie, Joan was portrayed as a twelve year old girl attending the local church with her family.

During the service, young Joan experienced a visit from a heavenly body. In the midst of people praying, she ran outside. Later that day she returned to the church to pray. The bishop explained that the Hundred Year War was predicted by the great prophet Merlin who supposedly said, "After nearly a century of war, this young maiden would unite her divided people to freedom." This was certainly not a Merlin prophecy. According to Frohlick, the prophecy was actually, "France, ruined by a woman, would be restored by a maid from the borders of Lorraine" (1).

        The movie jumped to six years later. Joan continued to hear voices and see angels from Heaven telling her to be a good, pious person and attend church regularly. However, they started to tell her...