Music: Why it is the most important thing in my life.

Essay by CPUofloveJunior High, 8th grade October 2004

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        Music is the most important thing in my life.The reason this is, I think, is because my family was built around two main things: Music and Religion. Although I value religion greatly, I think you can't have worship without song. Also, I was influenced by my siblings because they each listen to music to a great extent.

        I listen to mostly all types of music because I think it is important to have a variety of favorite genres. The style of music I listen to moslty it Heavy Metal, but I also listen to some rap, and christian rock. My friends also have their own styles of music that are different from mine, but I listen to them from time to time and have gotten to like some of them. For instance, My friend Anibal listens to Rock but also listens to Spanish Rock, even though I can't understand it, I still have come to like some spanish rock songs because of the sound of the music.

Another example is my friend Chris, He likes country but likes rock also, even though I don't like country I still listen to it from time to time.

        My family members are like musical intruments, every one of us has our own unique style,shape, and size. Music is one thing my family is based on, that's why it's the most important thing in my life.