My Emerging Roles and Responsibilities as a Supervisor/Manager in my organization

Essay by SweetSophisticateUniversity, Bachelor'sA+, October 2003

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"... just do as I say, I am in charge here..." for employees who work under a supervisor who enforces the traditional, controlling style of supervision, this may be a familiar phrase. This behavior was accepted during the scientific management times, when it was fashionable for bosses to have an unquestioned authority.

Nowadays however, with the introduction of middle managers and labor unions, the degree of authority the supervisor once held has decreased considerably. The supervisor serves as the primary link between top managers and employees hence; he/she has the duty of directing, overseeing, motivating and providing support for employees in lower ranks.

A supervisor is to be knowledgeable of the various management styles and able to decipher which style to implement that will be most effective in efficiently completing the task at hand. Supervisors and managers must always practice fairness and unbiased behavior to maintain the respect of those you oversee.

Leadership Styles

There are three basic approaches to leadership, autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire styles of leadership. During the early 1900's, the classical management era, managers were classified into two groups: the scientific managers and the administrative managers.

Autocratic supervision reflects the, "I am the boss" attitude. The leader sets rules, and demands that workers follow these rules without query: in this situation, subordinates sometimes feel that they are not a part of the organization and that their opinions are irrelevant. There are instances however, where this method of management is most appropriate, for example; in a financial institution that is mission critical, i.e., there is a mandatory policy that dictates how to deal with the sensitive information it is entrusted with; hence the supervisor must be firm in reinforcing the company's policies to subordinates.

Supervisors who rely on input and suggestions from subordinates before making decisions can best...