People's Republic of China - brief class debate

Essay by Jason BarrieHigh School, 12th gradeF, November 1996

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for debate class -

Negative Brief

Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience to reject the resolution.


I. There are several implications that could result if the affirmative plan is enforced and the foreign policy towards the People's Republic of China is changed.

II. Resolved: That the United States Government should substantially change it's foreign policy towards the People's Republic of China.

III. The foreign policy with the People's Republic of China does not need to be changed.


I. Changing foreign policy between China and the U.S. is unnecessary and could cause


A. China is an essential U.S. trade partner

1. Decreasing trade with China could result in lower U.S. economic


a. "Taking away MFN would hurt both the Chinese and the U.S. economies because Beijing would retaliate against American firms better creating a multi billion dollar market in China."

1. Church, George. "Twisting Off the Hook".

Time May 27, 1994.

2. U.S. companies need China's business

b. "Continuing MFN treatment of the PRC is more practical - to insure

U.S. firms are able to participate more in the rising economic

opportunities in that area."

1. Weidenbaum, Murray. "The Rise of Greater China, A New Economic Growth." Current December 1993.

B. China has a strong economy which needs not to be altered

1. China could be the forth largest economic power by the year 2010.

a. "China has become the fastest growing part of the world, averaging 5% a year in real economic growth. Many observers expect this trend to continue for at least the rest of this decade and persist well into the 21st century."

1. Weidenbaum, Murray. "The Rise of Greater China, A New Economic Superpower". Current December 1993.

2. China is a major trade power

b. "Zbiginew Bryeyzinski noted that, if the current ten...