"Sex for sale...Calling all Johns". On prostitution.

Essay by mtg_dkCollege, UndergraduateA+, April 2002

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Cox, Manley, � PAGE �1�

Calling all Johns…Sex for Sale

Whether we like to admit it or not, sex is a major part of our society. Some people are able to have a sexual relationship with a loved one, or a close friend. However, there are others that couldn't have a sexual relationship if they tried, and others wish to conceal an affair or to experiment with a fantasy. These people find-using prostitutes as a way to fulfill their needs. Prostitution is one of the world's oldest professions. Prostitution has been a controversy off and on throughout history. It was even in the days of the Greek and Roman Empires. Prostitution should be legalized to help stop spread of venereal diseases, curb crime rates, and as revenue for our country.

Some worry that legalization would give prostitution a stamp of approval that would spur a dramatic and potentially dangerous sexual revolution.

Judging by the way legal strip clubs and pornography are regarded by society at large today, it is unlikely that much of the disgrace attached to prostitution would disappear.

With legality, prostitution would become safer for both the client and the prostitute. There could very easily be a government registration system through which prostitutes could get a license, with a monthly or weekly renewal of which would require health check-ups. Such a system would enable those willing to pay for sex to do so without the danger of contracting a sexually transmitted disease. It would also improve the health of prostitutes themselves.

Some worry that legalization would give prostitution a stamp of approval that would spur a dramatic and potentially dangerous sexual revolution. Legal strip clubs and pornography were once regarded by society the same way, and are now pretty much accepted today. If prostitution were legalized prostitutes would...