Symbolism in the Renaissance Art Work of Da Vinci

Essay by wyknewbe05University, Bachelor'sB+, April 2007

download word file, 6 pages 0.0

“Symbolism in the Renaissance Art Work of Da Vinci”Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code centers on a few key pieces of artwork by Leonardo da Vinci. Brown takes a closer look at Da Vinci’s drawings and paintings and uncovers their iconology and honors the feminine. The novel discusses Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, Madonna of the Rocks, and The Vitruvian Man. All of the mentioned artworks have symbolic meaning.

Leonardo Da Vinci is a renaissance artist. The renaissance art movement is said to have begun in Florence Italy. There is no set date to when the movement began. It was understood to have occurred sometime after the Middle Ages. Florence was the place to jumpstart an artistic career during the late fourteenth and fifteenth century. The “Big Three (artists)” are from this time period; Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti, and Raffaello Sanzio, better known as Raphael (Kemp 234).

Linear perspective is first explored during the renaissance time period. Linear perspective is the use of a horizon line between the sky and the ground, a vanishing point in the center of the horizon line, and the use of orthogonal lines. Art in the renaissance was also adapted in the religious stance by emphasizing the humanity of Christ and to show the Virgin Mary as a humble woman instead of as a pretentious Madonna (

The renaissance brought a revolution of changes in philosophy, art, and literature. The renaissance was a begin of a new era of art history. Many of the most word renowned artists of painting, architecture, and sculpture are producing their works during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Many of these more modern changes are attributed to the invention of the printing press in the early 1450’s by a German man by the name Gutenberg. The printing...