Watershed Council

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorUniversity, Bachelor's April 2001

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Soap Creek Watershed Council October 10, 2000 1. Officers were elected: Mike Dubrasich "" Chair Steve Lundinburg "" Vice Chair Lyssa Henriksen "" Secretary 2. Discussed the subcommittees, focusing on whether or not there should be a separate Water Quality subcommittee or if it should be part of the Monitoring subcommittee.

3. A discussion arose between the board members about the subcommittees. How many the Watershed should have, which committees should be created, and who would lead them was decided. Many members believed that the council should have only a few committees at first, then once we get started and are funded, the watershed adopts more subcommittees.

4. The conclusion was that there would be a Big A committee, which would deal with paperwork and funding, a Little A committee, which would deal with measuring and sampling (there are many companies that already have information concerning the water quality). Tray Pasavatz will lead the Little A committee because he is more interested in the fieldwork.

5. The Big A chairperson would get an official sanction for the council and declare that we are a watershed committee. A coordinator can be hired to write a grant to the OWEB, which could be accepted or rejected. If the grant is accepted the council can get funds for bigger companies to do an assessment. Though, first we need sanction, then we can get money (the Executive committee will take care of that).

6. Motion to amend Article 5 Bylaws so that the bylaws only include Executive (A,a), Natural Resources, Water Quality, and Outreach Subcommittees and the four main committees.

7. Motion to amend Article 5 Bylaw Subcommittees to plain Committees.

8. Executive committee: Mike Dubrasich, Bill Weber, Dave Vesely, and Greg Mitchell.

9. Outreach committee: Unknown for now, possibly Pam Wilson as chairperson.

10. Natural Resources committee: Norm and Debra Johnson, John Wilson.

11. Water Quality committee: Tray Pasavatz (chairperson), Norm and Debra Wilson.

12. Bill Weber offered to provide envelopes, postage, and other means of distributing information to the public. This is NOT a subcommittee.

13. Next meeting will be in approximately two months.