The Greeks show in many ways how women are important to them. The Odyssey written by Homer contains many woman characters in different situations that will test their abilities and senses. Homer shows that women are looked upon as being loyal, caring, and capable of giving and needing love through many characters in the Odyssey such as Penelope, Nausicaa, Anticleia, Athena, and Calypso.
Homer reveals to us how the Greeks believe wives should act through Penelope. Even when it appears as if Odysseus is dead, she still has faith that he will return to her and her son, Telemachus. She resists the suitors only because she loves Odysseus and cannot see herself with another man while she believes in her heart that he might still be alive. She is smart and cunning. She shows this in Book II when she avoids having to choose a husband by telling the suitors she will choose one of them once she finishes the garment she is weaving.
"So by day she'd weave at her great and growing web -- by night... she would unravel all she's done..." (2.116-2.122) Anticleia works all day, and removes the stitches by candlelight while the suitors sleep. Penelope is the picture of a perfect devoted Greek wife. This implies that women in society are strong willed and loyal. After so many years she still waits for her loved one. She might also be afraid of change. She is afraid of what might happen after she marries one of the suitors. Either that or she is afraid of moving on with her life just in case Odysseus comes back because she still wants him as a part of her life.
Through Nausicaa, Homer displays the loyal daughter type of character. Nausicaa was the young princess of Scheria and daughter...