
Essay by cvaproductions July 2007

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Xenotransplants have paved a new path in today’s medical and scientific fields to a point where their overwhelming success has lead to many questions. Although it’s a relatively new process as in many medical cases, scientific, moral, and ethical issues are the first to appear. The question now is should xenotransplants be allowed to continue? Should the lives of thousands be allowed a second chance at life? The answer, is no; this should not continue. There are a select few reasons for this, first and foremost is the scientific problems it possesses and secondly the ethical and moral issues that govern our nature as human beings.

The complex network that is our immune system, a way for us to defend against diseases and foreign substances has been evolving for years, millions even and so becomes high specialized. So when one introduces a foreign element such as a new organ into the body a violent reaction is almost immediate.

However, there are new processes which have been developed to inhibit this violent reaction in our immune system. Although this scientific approach to stopping the reaction works every advantage can only exist where there is a disadvantage. This disadvantage comes in the form of leaving our immune system unresponsive to other foreign substances and diseases. So once the organ has been transplanted the patient is now vulnerable to even common colds which can be detrimental to their lives. Another scientific problem that exists is the introduction of new viruses which can spread from the organs of one type of specie to another. In the same way that one person may be allergic to something while another is not. The harmless virus to one type of species could become potentially life threatening to another. A real life example of this would be the...