Health & Fitness Essays, Research Papers & Term Papers (227) essays
Health & Fitness essays:
"To lose confidence in one's body is to lose confidence in oneself."
... alcohol abuse. Shandler (1999) discusses some causes of negative body image, such as rape, sexual abuse, and media images. What is clear from both books is that girls are likely to internalize the various pressures of adolescence, which can lead to a decreased sense of self and a negative body image ...
How to Keep Fit.
... of life, the lows of health deserve particular attention. They are very simple and even a child can learn them. One of the most essential lows of health is perfect cleanliness. Taking a bath or having a shower every day is a must. Because the human skin is full of minute pores, cells ...
Nutrition: Fat, Proteins, and Carbohydrates
... food. Looking at a nutrition facts label, they can tell you the content of fat, carbohydrate, and protein in the foods they eat. Many participate in low carbohydrate dieting, one of the most popular diets around. Others have opted for the United States Department of Agriculture's low fat diet ...
This essay hits on exercise that you can do without going to the gym to do it. We are an obese nation and this gives tips on getting motivated without thinking about it.
... a gym somewhere. We so often take for granted the ways of achieving the goal of good health. We hear it constantly form doctors and the media, yet I continue to see us as an obese nation. Even if you are going to be a ...
Food Journal Analysis
... low-fat milk, low-fat yoghurt, bagels, roasted chicken without the skin and baked fish among others. To serve as a guide, I refer to Table 9 of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 shows us the "Differences in Saturated Fat and Calorie Content of Commonly Consumed Foods." The use of ...
The South Beach Diet
... diet plan. This diet was created in the mid-1990s by Dr. Arthur Agatston, a highly respected cardiologist, to work with the human body safely and effectively using a three phase process. The South Beach diet is billed as neither a low-carbohydrate diet nor a low-fat diet ...
Health and medicine
... of your personal risks for certain diseases. To improve your cardiovascular health, integrate the following lifestyle changes: 1) avoid smoking. 2) avoid excessive weight. 3) limit salt intake. 4) have a balanced diet rich in antioxidant vitamins with fish two to three times a week. Consider taking ...
The Benefits of Yoga.
... of fat cells (oxidation) due to increased oxygen intake. Circulation is improved through out the body and blood alkalinity levels, which are harmful if too high, even out. Clearly yoga does the body good. In addition, yoga does your emotional state good. Stress is a ...
The Economics of Health and Fitness
... a healthy diet, you be able to maintain can help to maintain a healthy weight. You also have the benefit of boosting your self-confidence and reduce the risk of depression. Many people, who are overweight, go into chronic depression. You don't even have ...
Current events article: exposure and pre-birth smoking with ADHD
... emotional aspect of health. I don't have problems with it, but I have read of some people who had terrible self esteem because of people making fun of them because of how ... me another reason to hate smoking, because I have ADHD , and it's not very fun (sarcasm), even though my parents didn't smoke and ...