Essays Tagged: "$100 million"

the construction

r to the public and by early 1995 access was available in over 180 countries and there were over 30 million users. It is expected that 100 million computers will be connected to the public Internet by ...

(3 pages) 89 0 4.8 Jan/1996

Subjects: Science Essays > Computer Science > Internet and networking


FACTS ON AIDSCases of AIDS have been reported in 85 countries. It is estimated between 5 and 10million people around the world now carry the AIDS virus and that as many as 100million will become ...

(2 pages) 61 1 4.8 Feb/1997

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Diseases

basic essay on computers from pc to mainframe with case study on networking

per computerToday's desktop personal computers, or PCs, are many times more powerful than the huge, million-dollar business computers of the 1960s and 1970s. Most PCs can perform from 16 to 66 million ... Cs can perform from 16 to 66 million operations per second, and some can even perform more than 100 million. These computers are used not only for household management and personal entertainment, but ...

(6 pages) 275 0 4.2 Apr/2002

Subjects: Science Essays > Technology

Landfills - a growing menace

hievements of mankind is the Durham Road Landfilloutside San Francisco, which occupies over seventy million cubic feet. It is a sadmonument to the excesses of modern society [Gore 151]. One must think ... d, is thelargest landfill in the world. It sports an elevation of 155 feet, an estimated mass of 100million tons, and a volume of 2.9 billion cubic feet. In total acreage, it is equal to 16,000basebal ...

(6 pages) 116 0 3.7 Mar/1997

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science

Napster Alternatives

ber 8th, 1999 the RIAA filed a lawsuit against Napster for copyright infringement and is asking for $100 million in damages. The suit also represented 18 recording labels" (Meehan 7).There are two ...

(4 pages) 91 0 3.5 Nov/2002

Subjects: Art Essays > Music History & Studies

Enron and what went wrong,the accounting, the ceo's, and the retirement plans of thousands

all gone. You thought it'd neverhappen, but it did, and how your top executives are making off with millionsas your company goes bankrupt. Did executives and accountants destroyEnron?Enron with 21,000 ... or of the company called EBS (EnronBroadband Services). Within the time of one year Enron spent 100 milliondollars buying thousands of miles of cable across the country and buyingrights to thousands m ...

(3 pages) 317 2 1.5 Mar/2003

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Accounting

Cultural identity in Scotland.

y, tourism now provides 10 % of world employment, 12 % of GDP and is predicted to provide up to 100 million new jobs by 2010. (Tourism, Culture and Communication, Hall 1999)I intend to look at the con ... rts and tourism: a study undertaken in 1989 showed that the arts tourism market was worth £40 million a year to Scotland.Cultural TourismScotland has indeed the assets to be a world class touris ...

(9 pages) 113 0 3.0 Oct/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community

The chernobyl explosion

mostly firefighters. Many more would die from the radiation sickness and cancers caused by the 100 million radionuclides released into the atmosphere. The reason I chose this topic to research ...

(2 pages) 51 2 1.0 Dec/2003

Subjects: Science Essays

Nigeria - why is it under-developed and what can be done to improve its situation?

is about four times as big as the size of the United Kingdom, and has a population of more than 100 million people. The environment in Nigeria differs a great deal in the different parts of the countr ... needed to farm small areas.OverpopulationAs mentioned before, Nigeria has a population of over 100 million people. The birth rate in the country is 4,5 %, but the death rate is only 1,5%, which means ...

(5 pages) 109 0 3.4 Dec/2003

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

Medical Testing on Animals

Every year, nearly 100 million animals die in researchlaboratories at the hands of curious scientists who perform outdateda ... et one day being crammed into a cage withten other animals waiting to die like approximately 20-100 millionother animals do each year in numerous unreliable tests.More than 205,000 new drugs are marke ... education programs and medicalassiezce programs for low-income individuals; helping the more than30 million U.S. citizens who cannot afford health insurance, ratherthan making animals sick.There will ...

(3 pages) 63 0 4.0 Mar/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Current Issues

Charateristics of Strategic management with examples

ces. The merger between the two created CitiGroup, a one-stop financial shop that services over 100 million customers in over 100 countries. This merger marked the beginning of a strategic transformat ...

(8 pages) 436 1 3.6 Mar/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Case Studies

Psychology Research Report on Insomnia: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments.

arch Report on Insomnia: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments.Sleep is vital to human life yet over 100 million Americans of all ages regularly fail to get a good night's sleep (Morin, 2004). This is espe ... ed costs for prescription medication for the treatment of insomnia in the USA in 1995 exceeded $800 million and studies have shown that most sleep medication is consumed by nightly users (Hajak et al. ...

(4 pages) 146 0 5.0 Apr/2004

Subjects: Science Essays

Obesity: The Global Epidemic

se, leading to more serious consequences. For some statistics, in 1995, there were an estimated 220 million obese people. Just to prove that it is a serious, growing epidemic, in the year 2000, in jus ... s, growing epidemic, in the year 2000, in just 5 years the obese population had risen by almost 100 million people.Obesity refers to an excess amount of body fat, caused by psychological factors and a ...

(2 pages) 162 1 4.3 Jun/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine

Testing On Animals

Every year, nearly 100 million animals die in research laboratories at the hands of curious scientists who perform outdated ... t one day being crammed into a cage with ten other animals waiting to die like approximately 20-100 million other animals do each year in numerous unreliable tests.More than 205,000 new drugs are mark ... ation programs and medical assistance programs for low-income individuals; helping the more than 30 million U.S. citizens who cannot afford health insurance, rather than making animals sick.There will ...

(3 pages) 21 0 2.5 Oct/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine

Strategic Management

e. The Compounded annual growth of online banking since 1994 has been 80%. Worldwide, more than 100 million households now bank online. Looking ahead, usage is projected to increase to 50+ million U.S ... ected to increase to 50+ million U.S. households. Worldwide, the total is expected to triple to 300 million or more households (Online Banking, 2003).Internet Banking enables financial institutions to ...

(8 pages) 497 1 5.0 Nov/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

International Finance and Conversion Rate Change Risks for University of Phoenix (UOP) MGT 448

unt of foreign currency. For example, if a US company agrees to purchase goods in 12 months for 100 million yen, and the dollar depreciates against the yen over that period, it will cost more in dolla ...

(3 pages) 254 0 5.0 Mar/2005

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Markets & Exchanges

Employment Law Issue: Gender Discrimination

ties for advancement as their male counter parts and for discriminatory hiring practices for around $100 million. In October 2004 Wachovia Corporation settled with the U.S Department of Labor for $5.5 ...

(3 pages) 399 0 4.5 Mar/2005

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Management

Economics for Business

ions and strategic initiatives.Home Building Overview"In the United States, there are more than 100 million housing units with the majority of them being single-family dwellings, or houses (Brian, 200 ... ngle family homes. Demographics tell us that the 18 to 24 year olds are expected to increase by 3.2 million in this decade as the children of the baby boomers start to move out into their own dwelling ...

(17 pages) 368 0 5.0 Jul/2005

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Economics

Problems Facing Hill Sheep Farmers

to the new plan it restricts the numbers of sheep and cattle kept on the hills and moors return for $100 million a year in governments subsides will affect some of the poor farmers of the land.3) Farm ...

(1 pages) 1557 0 2.8 Jan/2006

Subjects: Science Essays > Agriculture

Ethics in Workplace Case Study

nol products off the shelves in all stores in the Chicago area. This decision cost the company over $100 million. In addition, the company also alerted all doctors, hospitals, and distributors of the ...

(10 pages) 412 0 5.0 Oct/2006

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Case Studies