Essays Tagged: "Anthem"

A Compare and Contrast Essay Between Anthen & A Handmaids Tale

The two novels, The Handmaid's Tale and Anthem, are both haunting, first person tales of personal hardship in a closed and controlled societ ... nces between the main characters.To start I would like to compare the settings of the two books. In Anthem the story takes place sometime in the future after some catastrophic event. Apparently societ ... too as 'handmaids.'Next, I would like to discuss the main characters, in The Handmaid's Tale and in Anthem. In both books the main characters are basically nameless people, in The Handmaid's Tale we n ...

(3 pages) 97 0 4.2 Jan/1997

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Music of the 1930's, a positive influence through the depression

Still others say it allstarted in 1932 when the great Duke Ellington recorded the album "TheAnthem of Idiom", "It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got ThatSwing)".From the definition of ...

(3 pages) 135 0 4.6 Apr/1997

Subjects: Art Essays > Music History & Studies

"Anthem" by Ayn Rand.

Alexandria MaloneyPd.1Anthem EssayIn Ayn Rand's Anthem, the author shows a civilization where people lived without persona ... ted to defend his rights of individualism.Prometheus' bravery was a strong characteristic proven in Anthem. After daring to name a name to a woman he favored, he told her about it, knowing that these ... e" and people live like robots, only doing what is good for everyone, never thinking of themselves. Anthem shows the dangers of collectivism and the strength of free will.

(3 pages) 87 0 4.3 May/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

A welcome to imigrants in Australia.

"Australians all let us rejoice for we are young and free."This, the first line of our nation's anthem sums up what I believe to be truly Australian, and shows what bonds our society and defines A ...

(4 pages) 84 4 4.5 Jun/2003

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays > Travel Descriptions

Ellie and Equality from Carl Sagan's "Contact" and Ayn Rand's "Anthem".

ndividual in a society where everyone was bland and submissive. Carl Sagan's Contact and Ayn Rand's Anthem feature Ellie and Equality standing out because of their determination to achieve their radic ... th an unearthly being, and Equality's invention of electricity dictate the storyline of Contact and Anthem.Despite their common interest in science, they each had very different goals they wished to a ...

(2 pages) 26 0 0.0 Oct/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

This essay was written for a semester exam to exemplify how valuable a tool an education is to aid success in today's world. Untitled

e you feel good about yourself. The three pieces of literature that I chose for this essay are "The Anthem", "Susan B. Anthony", and "Frederick Douglas". The preceding literary texts exemplify my thes ...

(4 pages) 57 0 0.0 Feb/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

This is from the book ANTHEM. In this essay I was told to compare the book with Core Democratic Values (CDV's)

3rd HourANTHEM ESSAYWhat is freedom? What would your community be like if rights like this didn't exist? The ... ESSAYWhat is freedom? What would your community be like if rights like this didn't exist? The book "Anthem" tells of a community where your life is basically decided for you. You have no freedoms. Not ...

(2 pages) 22 0 3.0 Apr/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Rhetoric In George Orwell's Animal Farm

tool used in Napoleons rise to power. "Beasts of England" is also at fault. Unfortunately, the very anthem from which Animalism began is laced with rhetorical, obviously unrealistic undertones.Beasts ...

(3 pages) 42 1 3.3 Apr/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

Essay relating Antigone and Anthem

"Antigone" and "Anthem" are very similar; mainly because of their main characters Antigone and Equality. They both a ...

(1 pages) 20 0 0.0 Jun/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

My love for Rossini's Williem Tell Overture

excitement. The highlight for this listener was the part of the Overture that had been used as the anthem for the Lone Ranger. It is a great example for me of how music can create a vivid memory of l ...

(1 pages) 34 0 2.0 Jan/2005

Subjects: Art Essays > Music History & Studies

Anthem by Amy Rand- Important Quotes Explained

Anthem Quotes Essay The book Anthem by Amy Rand is the first person story of Equality 7-2521, ... ect and love, not just be born into a community as just another brother who is equal to you. Anthem tells the story of one man who learns individualism and independence. Through his journey, he ...

(3 pages) 22 0 5.0 Mar/2005

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

Aspects of Society in Ayn Rand's "Anthem." Three paragraphs about emotion, recreation, and education.

The society in Anthem has chosen to address education by forming houses for children and then sending them off to j ... away. This reflects society's need for everyone to be the same. This is the way that the society in Anthem addresses the need for educational facilities.Emotion is forbidden in the society in Anthem b ... uld be broken, and all men would not be equal. With emotion come other feelings that the society in Anthem wishes to repress. However, because emotion is still alive in men, it is used to express love ...

(2 pages) 15 0 0.0 Mar/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

One's Voice and Silence in "Woman Warrior" by Maxine Hong Kingston

The final chapter of Maxine Kingston's amazing book, The Woman Warrior, is an anthem to voice and silence. The entire chapter focuses on Maxine trying to find her own individual ...

(3 pages) 23 0 2.0 Dec/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Same-sex marriage: an ethical conflict

"We're here, we're queer, get used to it!". A recognized anthem outspoken at marches, demonstrations, parades, and advertising within most homosexual communi ...

(4 pages) 84 0 3.5 Jan/2007

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Homosexuality

Anthem Essay

is good must be created by two or more. This fanatical collectivist society exists in the pages of Anthem. Men are the victims of their own reform. Though nothing could ever break the human spirit. T ... ver their deliverence brings about the question of the collective's sincerity.Prometheus throughout Anthem depicts himself as evil an unworthy. He seeks to do his work for his brothers. However, some ...

(3 pages) 15 0 3.0 Apr/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

Man-thinking Essay

en up their imaginations. In Orwell's Animal Farm Jones bans the animals from being free. In Rand's Anthem freedom to be what you want to be is banned. Sometimes society does not ban something sometim ... of preventing it because eventually no one will be able to think for themselves.In Ayn Rand's novel Anthem, the moderate realist tradition is shown through Equality-72521 (68). The free market is not ...

(4 pages) 1037 0 0.0 Apr/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

The Discovery Of Knowledge Shall Triumph (Anthem)

m these conflicts that we can compare the lives of Prometheus and Gaea, found in Ayn Rand's novella Anthem, with those of the Biblical characters found in Genesis of the Bible, Adam and Eve. They are ... ll eat"¦'" (Genesis 1:16-18) Prometheus and Gaea are punished in much the same way. In Anthem, Ayn Rand writes, "We are doomed. Whatever days are left to us, we shall spend them alone. An ...

(3 pages) 2479 0 0.0 May/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers


PART II A. Explain why Ayn Rand introduces the literary allusion to Prometheus in Anthem. Include an image of Prometheus and a brief summary of the story of this Greek Titan.The reas ... GLE AND PROMETHEUS B. The title of a book often gives insight into the author's meaning. An anthem is a hymn of praise and joy. What are some of the "anthems" in this story? Falling in l ...

(2 pages) 1491 0 0.0 Jun/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers


Jim Jarvis 9/10 GT English 9/25/01 Anthem Essay # 1 The world portrayed in Anthem shows no signs of the progress one might asso ...

(2 pages) 1264 0 0.0 Nov/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

Anthem By Ayn Rand

Anthem is a book about self interest and finding your true identity. It is based on the philoshophy ...

(2 pages) 12 0 0.0 Nov/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature