Essays Tagged: "Author"

Argumentative essay about reading a novel

able to relate to any of the characters, and would therefore not be able to fully imagine what the author intended to be imagined at a particular moment in the novel. Not being able to imagine in a n ... them and be able to keep them interested in it. This would then allow the reader to understand the author's intended view. The novel should be studied to a certain limit to develop some more interest ...

(3 pages) 77 0 4.5 Oct/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Argumentative, the joy of reading a novel

able to relate to any of the characters, and would therefore not be able to fully imagine what the author intended to be imagined at a particular moment in the novel. Not being able to imagine in a n ... them and be able to keep them interested in it. This would then allow the reader to understand the author's intended view. The novel should be studied to a certain limit to develop some more interest ...

(5 pages) 48 0 3.8 Oct/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Analyis of the "The Son In The Afternoon," by John A. Williams

ames, because he is jealous of the boy.The story is written in a limited omniscience narration. The author reveals only the main character's thoughts and feelings. The author does this to show Wendell ... dience that bitterness, and jealousness Wendell has for the boy. The thoughts from Wendell that the author brings out show how he become immature strictly out of jealousy.The story is set in Santa Mon ...

(3 pages) 52 0 3.8 Apr/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Analyis of "Araby," by James Joyce

people to undergo impossible missions.The story is written in a limited omniscience narration. The author reveals only the main characters thoughts and feelings. The author does this to show how stro ... , O love." This shows to the audience the love that the boy had. The thoughts from the boy that the author brings out, shows how he volunteers for his impossible mission strictly out of love.The autho ...

(2 pages) 147 1 4.3 Apr/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Araby by James Joyce

he sets a basis in which the rest of the story is to take place.Tonewhatever leads us to infer the author's attitudeLike a tone of voice, the tone of a story may communicate amusement, anger, affecti ... story may communicate amusement, anger, affection, sorrow, contempt. It implies the feelings of the author, so far as we can sense them. Those feelings may be similar to the feelings expressed by the ...

(2 pages) 153 2 3.5 Jun/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

"The arby" by joyce

(1 pages) 26 0 3.7 Sep/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

The Alchemist, Santiago' s journey, an analyse on Santiago' s journey.

All the story is based on this young man Santiago and his story. Our leading Artist is used by the author to let us know about something that he wants to tell us. He wants us to see our own legends, ... whole story is only 200 pages long and has tons of messages inside directed to the thoughts of the author, which are about how to live our lifes. As we said before, The Author wants to say that we sh ...

(7 pages) 40 0 5.0 Mar/2005

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

"For the Anniversary of my Death", by W.S. Merwin.

poet's dreams) would see him off, would wave goodbye, as he leaves for the afterlife/eternity. The author, then, compares the silence of the afterlife, which is beyond "the last fires", to the "beam ... , when the "strange garment" of his life is taken off, that is, when he will be dead. Here does the author make a list of what will be lost once death brings his life to an end: namely, "the love of o ...

(2 pages) 19 0 1.0 Jun/2005

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Poetry

How and why might the 'death of the author' be taken to mean the 'birth of the reader'?

Barthes essay in 1977 claimed that authorial interpretation was insignificant in finding meaning from any literary text, and the role o ... er was thus more important in interpreting a meaning. This brings up questions surrounding how much authorial intent is the foremost and only meaning a text can have, and then how much knowledge do we ... tent is the foremost and only meaning a text can have, and then how much knowledge do we need of an author in order to interpret this intent, or whether readers differing meanings should be focused on ...

(12 pages) 63 1 0.0 Nov/2005

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

"465" By Emily dickenson.

t any major or minor natural changes will afraid them. This step is also taken in this poem as it's author not only fully accepts her death but manages to express a complicated feeling of curiosity tr ... to this life but to greater heights filled with cold analytical observations.In the poem "465" the author Emily Dickenson (reputed for her lugubrious eccentricities) offers a short but nonetheless vi ...

(4 pages) 29 0 4.3 Nov/2005

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Poetry

Analysis of "The Road Not Taken"

when the leaves have no more green and valor in them and start to die. This is reflective about the author's remorse about his wrong decisions and immediately sets a negative tone to the atmosphere of ... em. These two terms reflects the theme because these dark colors reflect the gloomy feelings of the author.The form of this poem also reflects the theme and the tone of the author. This poem possesses ...

(3 pages) 122 0 4.3 May/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Poetry

"Acts of Violence" A Personal Response to Literature

se classes due to a rekindled epiphany of erstwhile experiences. The son of the mother and also the author narrates in first person, which aids the reader in comprehending his personal thoughts and em ... n comprehending his personal thoughts and emotions towards his mother's decision. Not only does the author worry about his mother but so does his wife as well. Throughout the story they seek to ascert ...

(2 pages) 13 0 4.0 Nov/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

Ap English Essay on Okenfenokee Swamp

reakish circus or a hellish zoo, these creatures will do anything to survive. In both passages, the authors try relating their views on the swamp to us. While one does it in a way that is informative ... evices that implant in us the image of the swamp primitive and archetypal in exactly the manner the author intended to. Thus Passage one is the skeleton, Passage two is the quintessence.Of all the syn ...

(2 pages) 15 0 4.0 Mar/2007

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

An Analysis Of Literary Techniques Used In A White Heron

y, tone, and symbolism.Imagery is an important literary device which, when used well, can enable an author to convey powerful and persuasive themes. Imagery can also be used to convey the mood of a bo ... ilemmas, as well as contributing to the reader's willingness to be captured and carried away by the author's style. A skillful author uses tone to convince the reader of the truth of his or her themes ...

(2 pages) 31 0 0.0 Sep/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

The Arrival

the style, the rhythm and the strength of the poem. The tone in this poem is energetic. The author describes the character in this poem as a passionate biologist who observes and studies the t ... order to hatch their eggs even though there might be dangerous on the way to the beach. The author uses many imageries and figurative expression in this poem. ¡§Their scarred leathe ...

(3 pages) 5 0 0.0 Nov/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers


rom All That I Know T.J. of "Antaeus" is a character that we are introduced to by the author of this fictional story. It takes place in a large city such as Chicago or New York City. T.J ... else. This just says how much if a worker he is and how much pride he takes in his work. The author of this story chose this as a story because they probably had something relating to this happ ...

(5 pages) 1692 0 0.0 Nov/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

The art of negotiating

Chapter 1: On Negotiating This chapter defines negotiating. The author then gives examples of real life negotiating. The basic ingredients for negotiating are then ... gives examples of real life negotiating. The basic ingredients for negotiating are then given. The author then explains the importance of negotiating in the business world. Sales negotiating and real ... Sales negotiating and real estate negotiating are the major points of business negotiating that the author touches upon.Chapter 2: The Cooperative Process In this chapter, the author explains that neg ...

(3 pages) 70 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Sociology

All The News Thats Fit To Terrify

the news thats fit to terrify" By Joanne Cantor Phd. I immediately started to read the article. The authors point of view of this author was that she believes that children should not watch the news. ... author was that she believes that children should not watch the news. The Authors point of view would be that some children are to young to watch TV. I disagree with her poin ...

(1 pages) 1066 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Communication Studies > The Media

Analysis of poem- Muliebrity- Sujata Bhatt

hood. The connotation of the title, status and power of a woman, is reflected in the poem where the author uses the words “greatness” and “power”. The poet talks about her imperati ... he has retained the femininity in her and still has pride in herself. Even further in the poem, the author depicts the independence of the girl, as she says “power glistening through her cheekbon ...

(3 pages) 42 0 3.0 May/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > World Literature > Poetry

Analysis of "The Sparrow" written by Dr. Gardner. Language and symbols reveal the theme of the poem.

all can not count on faith being there during times of need. In "The Sparrow," by Dr. Gardner, the author uses language and symbols to create a theme of lost hope in religion. With situations in time ... f fallen, faith will not save you.The poem opens amidst the perspective of a third person. When the author says, "Here is one that escaped His eye/ He lies prone on the cold earth," (Stanza 1, lines 1 ...

(2 pages) 2615 0 0.0 Apr/2009

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing > Poems & Short Stories