Essays Tagged: "Benjamin Franklin"

Benjamin Franklin

A critical outlook on Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography Good job!Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that ... phy Good job!Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.-Benjamin FranklinBenjamin Franklin was correct when he made up this now famous quote. In fact, his l ... engaged in many public projects in his life, and also experimented with new technological advances.Benjamin Franklin was first given religious impressions by his parents, even though he doubted many ...

(4 pages) 163 0 4.5 Sep/1996

Subjects: History Term Papers > North American History > North American Presidents

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was a remarkably talented man. He started his career as a simple printer apprentic ... loping ideas for better living, he was also a strong force in developing the new nation of America. Benjamin Franklin's political views showed him to be a man who loved freedom and self-government. Hi ... of self-government a generation before the Declaration of Independence." (Ketcham, page 3).Further, Benjamin Franklin's political views with regard to various British taxation upon the colonists show ...

(4 pages) 170 0 4.7 Jan/1996

Subjects: History Term Papers > North American History > North American Presidents

Benjamin Franklin

Needs further development of ideasBenjamin FranklinBenjamin Franklin had many 'occupations.' Some of these were a printer, a diplomat, ... His dad, who's name was Josiah, was a poor soap and candlemaker. His mom was Josiah's second wife. Benjamin was the youngest son and the 15th of 17 children. He attended school for two years and love ... work there. In October he went to Philadelphia. The governor of Pennsylvania soon took interest in Benjamin and told him he should start his own shop. He sent him to London to buy a printing press an ...

(2 pages) 76 0 5.0 Nov/1996

Subjects: History Term Papers > North American History > North American Presidents

"Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise"

early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise," is one of themost widely quoted proverbs from Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanac. Thisproverb is seldom disputed however I fail to see the ...

(2 pages) 13967 0 4.0 Mar/1997

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy

A Comparison Contrast Essay on Perceptions of the Supernatural in lives of Mary Rowlandson and Benjamin Franklin

A Comparison and Contrast of theSupernatural's Active Role in theLives of Mary Rowlandson and Benjamin FranklinThe literature written during this time period reflectsthe important part the super ... o defining the role ofGod to themselves?In the preceding discussion the lives of MaryRowlandson and Benjamin Franklin will be discussed. Eachwrote a narrative of their life experiences. There aremarke ...

(3 pages) 115 0 4.6 Feb/1997

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

A Declaration of Natural Law for Eternity

independence. The committee consisted of John Adams of Massachusetts, Roger Sherman of Connecticut, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, Robert R. Livingston of New York and Thomas Jefferson of Virginia ...

(10 pages) 98 0 4.7 Jan/1996

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science

Federalism vs. Anti-Federalism. Who could set rules and regulations for The States?

e.Eventually a rift of political opinion formed among the ungoverned people, as the great minds, of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and others like them, set upon the arduous task of building a c ...

(3 pages) 133 0 4.0 Mar/1997

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Government

Slavery in American History

The Declaration of Independence was written in 1776 by ThomasJefferson under order of Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and theContinental Congress. This document was written in order to le ...

(3 pages) 195 0 4.0 Oct/1994

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Civil Rights > Black Awareness & Racism

Benjamin Franklin, statesman, writer, and scientist

uted their thoughts, time, services andefforts. A very important person to this war, that I feel is Benjamin Franklin.Benjamin Franklin was born in the winter of 1706, on January 17th. Hewas born in B ... born in Boston. Benjamin Franklin had a very large family. He was the15th child, and the 10th son. Benjamin had only attended grammar schoolfrom when he turned eight years old until he turned ten yea ...

(4 pages) 69 0 4.5 Feb/1997

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science > Politicians

A definition and understanding of our own individualism. Speaks of Benjamin Franklin and Carol Gilligan

Benjamin Franklin's two-hundred year old autobiography and Carol Gilligan's In a different voice bot ... main at the helm until one of her sons was old enough and experienced enough to take over for her. (Benjamin Franklin 166)Ben Franklin lived in a time when men, that is white men, made all the rules. ...

(5 pages) 125 0 3.0 Feb/1997

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Literature of Protest. Speaks of authors who became spokesmen for their particular protest movements. Thomas Paine, Thomas Nast, John C. Calhoun, and Martin Luther King

strove for the fabled shores of America, determined to forget his past. He made the acquaintance of Benjamin Franklin, and settled in Philadelphia. There, Paine was eventually hired into the professio ...

(11 pages) 112 0 4.0 Jun/1996

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science

biography on ben franklin

Benjamin Franklin(1706-1790)Benjamin was born on January 17, 1706, in Boston. His father, Josiah Fra ... uary 17, 1706, in Boston. His father, Josiah Franklin, a tallow chandler by trade, had 17 children; Benjamin was the 15th child and the 10th son. His mother, Abiah Folger, was his father's second wife ... like most New Englanders of the time. After his attendance at grammar school from age eight to ten, Benjamin was taken into his father's business. Finding the work uncongenial, however, he entered the ...

(4 pages) 87 0 3.5 May/2002

Subjects: History Term Papers

"Educational Funding". I wrote this as an argumentative essay. It is written at a college level for an AP english class. How should schools be funded?

ational FundingArgumentative on the Dispersal of Federal Educational Funds American founding father Benjamin Franklin states, "If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it away from hi ...

(4 pages) 455 2 3.6 Aug/2002

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Government

Is gambling a feasible source of funds for the government

t Continental Congress to help finance the Revolutionary war. Many of our founding fathers, such as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington, have sponsored private lotteries. It has ...

(15 pages) 321 1 4.1 Apr/1996

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Economics

Literature of Protest

strove for the fabled shores of America, determined to forget his past. He made the acquaintance of Benjamin Franklin, and settled in Philadelphia. There, Paine was eventually hired into the professio ...

(11 pages) 111 0 3.3 Jun/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Reason and Revolution

the Declaration of Independence. At this period of time the idea of progress was new to the people. Benjamin Franklin was one of the first persons to start with this idea. In his autobiography "Poor R ...

(1 pages) 91 1 2.0 Oct/2002

Subjects: Science Essays > Astronomy

What is the Government doing for public schools and more?

ems will arise.Argumentative on the Dispersal of Federal Educational Funds American founding father Benjamin Franklin states, "If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it away from hi ...

(1 pages) 90 2 3.3 Nov/2002

Subjects: Law & Government Essays

Constitution of the United States: Our Living Constitution

of the nation's most famous men,including George Washington, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and BenjaminFranklin. At least one delegate from each state attended, except Rhode Island. During thecon ...

(4 pages) 405 0 2.8 Nov/2002

Subjects: Law & Government Essays

Benjamin Franklin, and the Constitutional Convention.

Benjamin FranklinAccording to legend, as the exulted Benjamin Franklin stepped out of the last sessi ...

(4 pages) 115 0 4.2 Jan/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > North American History

america the prosperous

America the Prosperous: Both Good and BadBenjamin Franklin once quoted, "No gains without pain." I feel this quote is perfect to describe the ...

(3 pages) 76 2 4.6 Mar/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > North American History