Essays Tagged: "consequence"

Serial Killers

ed by serial murderers every year. (Lane and Gregg 3)These numerous multiple murders, often without consequence and justice, have shocked civilized society with incomprehensible acts of inhumanity. Ho ...

(6 pages) 414 0 4.2 Nov/1996

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology


amlet is not that of Hamlet or his family but of Polonius' family because their deaths were not the consequence of sinful actions of their own but rather by their innocent involvement in the schemes o ... amlet is not that of Hamlet or his family but of Polonius' family because their deaths were not the consequence of sinful actions of their own but rather by their innocent involvement in the schemes o ...

(7 pages) 218 0 4.3 Nov/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Shakespeare > Hamlet


THE CAPITALIST FUTURE : A CONSEQUENCE OF CALVINIST ANNUNCIATION In his work, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Cap ... uggle to benefit from the system. He reasons that this future of the capitalist society is a direct consequence of the teachings of Calvinism.The Calvinist work ethic of 'living to work' forms the cor ...

(4 pages) 114 0 4.0 Jan/1996

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science > Political Theory

Essay on the environment: looks specifically at deforestation issues and how to remedy the situation

produced there are a variety of detrimental effects on the environment that occur. The most obvious consequence of over producing paper is deforestation for raw materials. Deforestation results in glo ... falling water tables, excessive power usage, and hazardous chemical processing all have unfavorable consequences on the environment.Chapter 1 - Problems with Amazon DeforestationThe Amazon Rainforest ...

(10 pages) 341 1 4.9 Apr/2002

Subjects: Science Essays > Forestry

Utilitaranism, an ethical doctrine in context of Mill's believes

at the decisions we make should always benefit the most people as much as possibleregardless of the consequences to the minority or even yourself. He would say all thatmatters in the decision of right ... say all thatmatters in the decision of right versus wrong is the amount of happiness produced by theconsequences. In the decisions we make Mill would say that we need to weigh theoutcomes and make our ...

(2 pages) 191 0 4.0 Oct/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Modern Philosophy

Freewill vs Determination

s this definition: Thephilosophical doctrine that every event, act, and decision is the inescapable consequenceof antecedents that are independent of the human will. Determinism states that humanshave ... of pants lying openly on a rack. He can restrain himself from doingwrong, after realizing from past consequences. This leads to the next argument. We canand have overcome our desires and inclinations. ...

(4 pages) 224 0 3.3 Mar/1997

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy

A Good Lie

What determines the size of lies? If lies are those concern matters of small consequence, are told to just a few people, are excusable they are intended to achieve some more imp ...

(2 pages) 262 6 3.2 Jun/2002

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Current Issues


at the decisions we make should always benefit the most people as much as possibleregardless of the consequences to the minority or even yourself. He would say all thatmatters in the decision of right ... say all thatmatters in the decision of right versus wrong is the amount of happiness produced by theconsequences. In the decisions we make Mill would say that we need to weigh theoutcomes and make our ...

(2 pages) 197 0 3.0 Jul/2002

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Modern Philosophy

"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" By Mark Twain. This essay explains the theme of "People must live outside of society to be truly free." This Essay was graded Hard By a PAP teacher.

vernment that creates and enforces laws. By ignoring laws, people can act freely without thought of consequence. They can just go on with their lives without worrying about pleasing anyone other than ...

(2 pages) 91 0 4.5 Sep/2002

Subjects: Humanities Essays

The effects of drinking alcohol on one's life.

This essay is about drinking and how it affect your life. I also explain the consequence that you will recieve when you drink and cause neagtive emotions to ur love one.Jenny is ...

(4 pages) 73 0 3.5 Nov/2002

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community

Freedom of Speech in Mass Media: Why should it be protected?

y, we will clarify what is freedom, the reason of respecting freedom of speech and what will be the consequence if it is not protected, in the view of J. S. Mill, according to his book 'On Liberty'.II ...

(6 pages) 199 0 4.1 Dec/2002

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Communication Studies > The Media

Is Censorship Wrong and Cynical? Censorship opinion essay

should not be censored. Authors deliberately create to express themselves through these things. In consequence of censorship, the public would not be able to receive the main idea of the product for ...

(1 pages) 82 0 3.7 Dec/2002

Subjects: Law & Government Essays

A short essay on the Impacts of Tourism on the Environment.

ransport by air, road and rail is rising steadily because of the increasing number of tourists. One consequence of this is that tourism is responsible for a large amount of air transmissions. These em ...

(3 pages) 41176 4 4.5 Mar/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science

Analysis ofthe play "Spring Awakening", by Frank Wedekind

ng Awakening represents an adult's reflection on childhood, the repercussions of ignorance, and the consequence of inhibiting the spread of knowledge to those without it. Although very brief and lacki ...

(3 pages) 47 0 3.4 Mar/2003

Subjects: Art Essays > Drama

This essay illustrates the bondage of marriage to women in the early 20th century. I use Glaspell's "Trifles" to illustrate my point.

les" is an extraordinary American drama. The title of this means "something of little importance or consequence." (Webster, 1374) It was written during the women's' movement for equality. The women in ...

(2 pages) 168 0 4.0 Mar/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Is it really necessary to use gender-neutral language? A short essay discussing the importance of non-sexist language.

ociety, and so has the language we use. But if language is changed, it may influence mind-sets as a consequence. Some years ago, no one thought German words like "StundentInnen" would ever be accepted ...

(2 pages) 124 1 4.5 Mar/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues

Euthenasia: con. viewpoint.

ion. However, we sometime will find where we are in the depths of misery and suffering. That is the consequence of life, and we cannot run from it. We have to face it, not giving up and let the life c ...

(1 pages) 68 1 4.3 Mar/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Euthenasia


m was born as a result of the search for an ideal leader. On the other hand, Buddhism was born as a consequence of an investigation to find the true nature of life. Moreover, Buddhism and Confucianism ... fer. In addition, Buddhism aimed the state of tranquility by the ways of escaping from suffer. As a consequence, Buddhism is not a religious system, it is a philosophical system owing to its aim and w ...

(3 pages) 306 4 4.3 Apr/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Religion & Faith > Buddhism


tate of global growth. De-linking the less economically developed countries is a clear problem. The consequence of trade only between the three most developed regions of the world is global inequality ...

(6 pages) 254 1 3.6 Apr/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science > Political Theory

Presidential Ranking - Factors involved in rating presidential approval.

cades have seen a public disillusionment with the democratic process inAmerican politics, and, as a consequence, the electorate look to a strongpresident to support their interests against those in po ...

(10 pages) 129 2 4.5 Apr/2003

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Government > United Nations