Essays Tagged: "findings"

Darwinism - The Theory That Shook The World

the year eighteen hundred and fifty nineDarwin not only risked his reputation with these far fetchedfindings but also the risk of being excommunicated from thechurch. Previous to Darwin the thought ha ... bell p 422). Perhapsthe largest barrier Darwin had was to convince the present dayscientists of his findings in contrast to their pre-existingtheories. The most common of the time was the catatropistt ...

(7 pages) 200 0 5.0 Nov/1995

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology > Charles Darwin

Truth and Lies about the Computer Virus

ies it. The anti-virus company makes an 'unbiased' decision about the virus and then disclose their findings to the public. The problem with the current system is that there are no checks and balances ...

(4 pages) 116 0 4.5 Dec/1996

Subjects: Science Essays > Computer Science

What two guys imagine and think about when they think of women

my friend and Timmy, my cousin. These guys are basically the guinea pigs in my experiment and their findings will be collected in the album. The other half of the research project is the paper that wi ... my friend and Timmy, my cousin. These guys are basically the guinea pigs in my experiment and their findings will be collected in the album. The other half of the research project is the paper that wi ...

(10 pages) 149 0 4.7 Feb/1997

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Civil Rights > Women's Studies

Interacial Relations

topic. Very good outline. Try to make the conclusion completely your own - based on your reasearch findings. Very well reaseacjed, organized and written.OutlineThesis statement,: The United States ha ...

(9 pages) 345 0 3.4 Apr/1996

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Civil Rights > Black Awareness & Racism

Covert Operation. A good paper on the CIA's involvement in Panamas' drug war

ic outlying him was much moreinteresting. So with that I will continue on with this paper showing myfindings on the CIA and thier covert operations.Covert operations have become a way of life and deat ...

(9 pages) 143 0 3.7 May/1996

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Law

This is an Essay/Report on the Book "One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest". It shows the general runnings/ideas of the book in a structured format.

CONFIDENTIALReport: #4727829CThis is a report on the findings of an external investigation into the running and daily going-ons of the Institute for the ... r she made sure that he stayed on the ward so that she could get her own back.Closing Statement:The Findings from this Report have brought the Board to a Conclusion that the Staffing at the Institute ...

(3 pages) 109 0 4.2 Apr/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

THe life and accomplishments of Benjerman bannaker

f sunrise and sunsets and performing other astronomical calculations. There were the early kinds of findings that made an almanac one of the most indispensable books in early America, in 1790 Banneker ...

(1 pages) 109 0 4.2 Apr/2002

Subjects: History Term Papers > African Studies - History


Hydroponics is the growing of plants without soil. It was developed from the findings of experiments carried out to determine what substances make plants grow and the compositio ...

(10 pages) 137 0 4.2 Apr/2002

Subjects: Science Essays > Agriculture

A Critical Analysis of the National Numeracy Strategy. This essay examines the national numeracy strategy, which is in place in schools in the uk.

75% of all pupils reaching at least level four in mathematics by 2002. This essay will focus on the findings since the implementation of the strategy for both pupils and teachers. In order to do this ... e teacher to assess the children more readily, time needs to be allocated in order to follow up the findings of this assessment with future planning, which may involve additional lessons in particular ...

(9 pages) 226 1 4.7 Apr/2002

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Education

Analysis of "The Pearl" by Steinbeck

o finds the pearl of all pearls , the pearl he finds is huge. The whole town finds out about Kino's findings, he starts to since an evil feeling comeing from people and the pearl. When it comes to sel ...

(2 pages) 67 0 2.2 Dec/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Authors > John Steinbeck


.1Newspaper articles1.2Internet1.3Marketing materials1.4Text books1.5Company publicity materials3.0 Findings3.0IntroductionThe European Union was originally known as the European Economic Community an ...

(20 pages) 466 2 4.5 May/2002

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

The Importance of Communication, and Teamwork among the Flight and Cabin Crew

ine of CRM Training 10LOFT Training 10Organizing Resources and Priorities 11CONCLUSION 11Summary of Findings 11Interpretation of Findings 11REFERENCES 13ABSTRACTThe majority of aircraft accidents are ... and when they need to be done. This is all part of being a leader and manager.CONCLUSIONSummary of FindingsHuman error is the main cause of aircraft accidents, and it's a chain of errors that sets th ...

(9 pages) 310 0 4.3 Dec/1996

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Education

American Male Pig.

er able to distinguish between the different types of females and notify all other members of their findings.Everyone is unique. However, most women can be herded into three basic groups. Those groups ...

(5 pages) 98 0 4.0 Feb/1996

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Sociology

Indus Valley Civilization and Modern India

their time. The were especially strong in the area's of mathematics and astronomy. They used their findings in math to help them when searching the stars. The people developed the beginnings of geome ...

(6 pages) 164 0 3.0 Nov/1996

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

"A nation at risk" Lack of education in American schools and society.

o a 'rising tide of mediocrity' in our schools. States such as New York have responded to thefindings and recommendations of the report by implementing such strategies as the'Regents Action ... e early 1980's, President Regan ordered a national commission to study oureducation system. The findings of this commission were that, compared with otherindustrialized nations, our education s ...

(9 pages) 347 0 4.7 Apr/1996

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community

This essay indicates to what extent findings from obedience research be applied beyond the research setting.

To what extent can findings from obedience research be applied beyond the research setting?Obedience can be defined as ...

(5 pages) 135 2 4.7 Oct/2002

Subjects: Social Science Essays

Service Level Management Defintions / SLM DO'S & DON'T"s / Implementation / Why SLM ?

RVICE LEVEL MANAGEMENT:SERVICE SYSTEM LAYERS:SLM DO'S:SLM DON'T"S:IMPLEMENTATION OF SLMIntroduction.Findings / Reflections.Costs: SLM a continuous process.WHY SLM?RESOURCES.IntroductionFor the "Total ... event, both steps are taken in the drive to the most advanced state, "predictive service assurance."Findings / Reflections.Study Results Availability and Performance to Satisfacti ...

(10 pages) 344 1 4.5 Nov/2002

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Management

How does Galileo view the issue of religion and science? How does he resolve the tension between religion and science?

escartes believed that one could believe in the teaching of the Bible and simultaneously accept the findings and conclusions of modern science. Galileo is credited for saying, "I do not feel obliged t ... solve the tension between religion and science; his letter tried to open the minds of people to new findings. It also examined the true meaning of the scripture and then correctly interprets it.Church ...

(4 pages) 166 0 4.5 Nov/2002

Subjects: Science Essays > Astronomy

Sociology Career Essay

e mental aspect is the studying of data and other records to find hidden specifics in the numerical findings that aren't so obvious on the field.By definition sociology is the study of the behavior an ... and conclude. Most of the work of a sociologist takes place in analyzing data or writing reports on findings. Some research involves interviewing, or setting up experiments within the community of stu ...

(3 pages) 207 1 3.9 Nov/2002

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Sociology

Abortion and evolution

ific and medical community have continued to depersonalize the humanity of the unborn with supposed findings based on evolutionary philosophy.Considered simply a "fetus," the humanity of the unborn ch ...

(6 pages) 93 0 4.8 Nov/2002

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues