Essays Tagged: "Larkin"

Word processing vs. Desktop publishing The essay explains how which one is used. Very updated. Also includes a chart. You will see where the chart is.

processors began including graphics and different fonts as part of their standard software package (Larkin and Green, 8 Oct. 1998). That is, many word processors were emerging with desktop publishing ... Robert. Introductory Computer Concepts and Techniques Boston: InternationalPublishing Company, 1998Larkin, Henry P., and Janice A. Green. "Word Processing" Word 2000, Project 1, Random HouseWinters, ...

(1 pages) 563 6 4.6 Oct/2002

Subjects: Science Essays > Computer Science > Computer Ethics

Look at two poems by Larkin that deal with our subjection to time and the painfulness of memory, and explore how he achieves his effects. (Love Songs in Age and Reference Back)

'Love Songs in Age' and 'Reference Back' are both poems by Philip Larkin that deal with the painfulness of memories and our subjection to time. In each, Larkin talks ... gs in Age' being the overrating of love. Despite this, there are a number of differences in the way Larkin achieves his effects, in both the structure and language.In 'Reference Back' the narrator is ... e lack of communication between himself and his mother, and how this is the way it has always been. Larkin uses the word 'unsatisfactory' four times in the poem, to describe the hall, room, the mother ...

(3 pages) 49 0 4.0 Apr/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

Explication of phllip larkin's "cut grass"

In Cut Grass, Philip Larkin uses onomatopoeia, color and flower symbolism, and punctuation to show that death is inevitab ... cific circumstances. By contrasting the cut grass with the typically vibrant, lively month of June, Larkin shows the harsh nature of death, and its disregard towards its surroundings, while simultaneo ... undings, while simultaneously providing a sense of hope once death does arrive.In the first stanza, Larkin uses onomatopoeia to create a vivid image of mown grass. The sharp sounds of "cut grass" impl ...

(2 pages) 44 0 3.0 Jan/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

The Main Idea of the Poem "Aubade" by Philip Larkin.

Is it leaving this world and starting a new beginning or is it just the end of everything. Phillip Larkins poem "Aubade" expresses the thoughts and questions of a person who is scared of dying. He ma ... that death is a part of life and the person has to accept it and look at is as a new beginning. So Larkins main idea that he tries to get across to his readers is that death is a new beginning and al ...

(2 pages) 48 0 3.8 Feb/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

The Poems in 'The Whitsun Weddings' show an interest in the Lives of Ordinary People. Discuss What Larkin has to say about them in at least three poems. (philip larkin - the whitsun weddings)

In many of Larkin's poems, he talks about the lives of ordinary people. He talks of the ways they live their li ... n the generic sense, suggesting that all human relationships in general are like this. This is what Larkin feels most everyday people will experience in their lifetime with their partners. It shows co ... es of people is, 'Afternoons. In this poem, he focuses on the lives of women after having children. Larkin uses nature to reinforce people's emotions or experiences through pathetic fallacy in this po ...

(4 pages) 50 1 5.0 May/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

"Larkin's poetry suggests that many people's lives are disappointing." Discuss this statement with reference to at least 3 poems. Your essay should include reference to poetic technique.

Many of Larkin's poems do suggest that many people's lives are disappointing. He talks about the ways in whi ... e talks about the ways in which people cant find love or happiness often using persona.On one hand, Larkin writes poems such as, 'Afternoons,' where he focuses on the lives of women after having child ... sentence two meanings. A good example of this is at the beginning of the poem, 'summer is fading.' Larkin could just be talking about the weather/seasons changing, however, he could be suggesting tha ...

(5 pages) 34 0 4.0 May/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

Ass-backwards; a critical paper on "The Beautiful Room is Empty" by Edmund White, analyzing the main character Bunny Larkin and gay culture in america.

o answer in his novel, The Beautiful Room is Empty. What does his autobiographical character, Bunny Larkin, mean when he identifies himself as queer? One might find countless answers to this question ... truggling to fight his homosexual tendencies. On his search for his true self, it seems as if Bunny Larkin's sense of self, which is always lacking, goes completely awry.Bunny's decisions, ideas, and ...

(6 pages) 25 0 5.0 May/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

A Study Of Reading Habbits By Phillip Larkin. Discuss the methods used by Phillip Larkin to self dellude himself.

"A Study of Reading Hapits"A 'study of reading hapits' by Phillip Larkin explores an indivduals capacity for self delusion. Larkin's persona changes his self delusion ... delibreratly tries not to be himself and more like a charchter from one of the books he is reading.Larkin enters a world of self delusion becuase he doesn't want to face up to reality. His reality is ... Later the way in which he deludes himself changes to drink this is becuase he is fed up and bitter. Larkins poem is very orginal and has a different style to the one the title would Suggest

(3 pages) 16 0 3.7 Nov/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

Who far does Philip Larkin's "Afternoons" force the reader to reflect upon an a side of life to which you had never thought about.

choly poem, about the inevitability of change and the passing of youth. The poem, written by Philip Larkin, forces the reader to reflect upon the lifestyle of a young woman with a husband and family. ... ith a husband and family. Previously, I thought this would be a very fulfilling lifestyle; however, Larkin has changed my opinion on this matter. Although Larkin's thoughts on this life are completely ...

(4 pages) 34 1 5.0 Feb/2005

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

Analysis of "Mr Bleaney" by Philip Larkin

poetic devices used to create an atmosphere of existential despair.The poem "Mr Bleaney" by Philip Larkin was written in 1955, when the Second World War was still in everybody's mind. It tells the st ... escribe the room evokes the image of a coffin which emphasizes the feeling of loneliness and death. Larkin gives a description of Mr Bleaney as one of insignificance and he criticises his lack of effo ...

(4 pages) 15 0 5.0 Nov/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

In What Ways Does Philip Larkin’s Poetry Show His Attitude To Death?

In what ways does Larkin's poetry show his attitude to death? In Philip Larkin's poetry there is a profound sense of u ... w his attitude to death? In Philip Larkin's poetry there is a profound sense of unease about death. Larkin, throughout his poetry, obviously contemplates the inevitable end that is death. In his poetr ... al skills, noting and writing about everyday circumstances in cinematic detail. With death, though, Larkin has nothing to observe. He cannot draw any precise conclusions about something that he has no ...

(10 pages) 8 0 0.0 Feb/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Wild Oats by Philip Larkin

will become anxious during his married years and begin to cheat on his wife. This story is told by Larkin aged 40, when he is still unmarried, and in this poem, he looks back to is younger days when ... ediately described as "A bosomy English rose". This hints at how extremely beautiful she is and how Larkin considers her at the height of beauty. Larkin calls her "beautiful" and that is what he defin ...

(5 pages) 18 0 3.0 Jan/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

The hero of con air

the plane until he successfully saves the innocent lives on board. Poe is not the only hero. Vince Larkin, an officer of the law also displays many acts of courage. He refuses to shoot the plane down ...

(2 pages) 1253 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Shakespeare

Cold Sassy Tree Author Background

ound The author of Cold Sassy Tree, Olive Ann Burns, was born in 1924. Her real name is Amy Larkin. When she first had thoughts about writing, she did not know anything about writing structure ...

(1 pages) 2819 0 5.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Poetry

Where is the Church Going? A Look at Philip Larkin’s

Where is the Church Going? A Look at Philip Larkin?s Church Going Philip Larkin?s poem ?Church Going? is one of debate; there is a debate intern ... limination of tradition, and the death of seriousness ? might not be an essentially positive thing. Larkin sees the necessity of church going, and wonders what the world will be like when the churches ... d will be like when the churches have been abandoned, when belief itself has been abandoned. Philip Larkin employs many tools in his meandering contemplations of the future of the church, churches and ...

(5 pages) 3794 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

Performance Enhancing Drugs

03 Vol. 40, Part 4, Pg. 321 Article 2: New Test Added to Amoury against Performance Enhancing Drugs.Larkin, Marilynn, The Lancet London, June 10, 2000 Vol. 335, Issue 9220, Pg. 2053

(1 pages) 6 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Sports

Analyzing "Wild Oats" by Philip Larkin

Philip Larkin - “Wild Oats”The poem “Wild Oats” was written by a famous poet named Phil ... ists of three, eight line stanzas with each stanza describing a distinct period in his life. Philip Larkin used little sound effects and a minimal amount of rhyming to construct his poem. Rhyme, when ... ne three, the more attractive friend is immediately described as “A bosomy English rose”( Larkin 112). This hints at how exceedingly stunning she is and how Larkin considers her to be the mo ...

(5 pages) 16914 0 3.0 Feb/2009

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Poetry

How can Philip Larkin's poetry be used to address the marginal or neglected?

hat have been marginalised, to neglected forms such as poetry, and to the marginalised self. Philip Larkin is renowned for his use of the colloquial in his poetry, and he renews the importance of ever ... of England due to modernisation and industrialisation. Poetry itself is a specialist form; however Larkin’s poetry can be seen as homely and less dramatic. He brought back poetry as a relevant a ...

(8 pages) 6384 0 4.3 Mar/2009

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > World Literature > Poetry

Setting in Mr Bleany

The poem "Mr Bleaney" by Philip Larkin was written in 1955, when the Second World War was still in everybody's mind. It's about a ma ... Bleany's personality. In this essay I will be discussing the importance of the setting.In the poem, Larkin explores the setting of this old room, still ever present with the spirit and legacy of the o ... es the setting of this old room, still ever present with the spirit and legacy of the old occupant. Larkin presents setting as an extremely reclusive place which has an everlasting and overpowering ef ...

(3 pages) 0 0 0.0 Sep/2014

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > World Literature > Poetry