The Main Idea of the Poem "Aubade" by Philip Larkin.

Essay by C10RocksCollege, Undergraduate February 2004

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What actually is death? Is it leaving this world and starting a new beginning or is it just the end of everything. Phillip Larkins poem "Aubade" expresses the thoughts and questions of a person who is scared of dying. He makes the person question their self, but then finally realizes that death is a part of life and the person has to accept it and look at is as a new beginning. So Larkins main idea that he tries to get across to his readers is that death is a new beginning and although we are scared of it, we have to accept it.

While we live day by day, we never really think of that day when we do pass on. We try to keep that thought deep inside of us, never wanting to think that we will ever die. "Making all thoughts impossible but how/ And where and when I shall myself die"(Lines 5-6).

Accepting death and finally realizing it will be a new beginning is probably the hardest challenge any human being has to go though.

Larkin gives the idea that being afraid of death is a different kind of fear. Death is so far away from us, but we know its there and it brings these chills to you every time we think of it. While in this world, we have so many things that try to make us believe that we never do really die. The world actually tries to take that fear from us. "Religion use to try/ that vast moth-eaten musical brocade/ created to pretend we never die."(Lines 22-24). You can't trick your mind with death because it will always be there no matter what.

Another great point that Larkin discusses in his poem is that no one can escape...