Essays Tagged: "Physical exercise"

It's about the benefits for old people exercising!

contraction of skeletal muscle. The term is usually used in reference to any activity that promotes physical fitness (Encarta, exercise). Aging is inevitable, but exercise can help you live a longer h ... t to be an adult. Then, once you've been an adult for a while, you'd do anything to be young again. Physical exercise is one "anything" a person can do to not only feel young but to physiologically sl ...

(7 pages) 182 2 3.6 Oct/2002

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Diseases

Multiple Sclerosis and exercising.

INTRODUCTIONWe hear the message everywhere: Regular, moderate physical exercise is good for body, mind, and spirit. Exercise reduces the possibility of coronary d ... gth and cardiovascular function. Then, if an attack or exacerbation of MS calls for a time-out from physical activity, the reserve is available. When the symptoms subside and the person is able to go ... 't do what you used to do, don't give up. You can always modify or turn to something more feasible. Physical therapists and exercise physiologists can provide expert help.MS isn't a reason to sit o ...

(15 pages) 95 0 2.1 Mar/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Diseases

This essay is about how the concept of the "social construction of reality" is incorrect because of women and elderly athlete participation.

the humanistic study of language, and literature the term athlete has come to mean a competitor in physical exercise. It also comes to mean an individual who by special training and exercise has acqu ... mean an individual who by special training and exercise has acquired great physical strength.... a physically powerful, robust, vigorous man." This definition leads us to believe that only men can be ...

(5 pages) 94 0 4.0 Oct/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Sociology

The Active Lifestyle

aging, email and the Internet, most teens do not allocate as much time as they should to performing physical activities. This trend of inactiveness is not solely rising in the teenage generation. Like ... p or raising a family, they tend to stop being active. As a result, this can seriously affect their physical health, especially later on in life. Therefore, to secure healthy mental and physical well- ...

(3 pages) 51 0 4.5 Apr/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Sports

Obesity: The Global Epidemic

l factors can lead to strange eating habits. Finally, the most obvious reason is a complete lack of physical exercise. Exercising prevent the excess carbohydrates that are not going to be used by the ...

(2 pages) 162 1 4.3 Jun/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine

The History of Bodybuilding

e. But Speedos and bronze tanner aside, the men and women who participate in this sport are in peak physical condition, training year round to maintain a physique that ancient Greeks attributed only t ... is defined as the process of developing musculature of the body through specific types of diet and physical exercise, such as weightlifting, for competitive exhibition. From 1890 to 1929 was the firs ...

(2 pages) 40 1 5.0 Dec/2004

Subjects: Art Essays

Dodgeball classic fun or violence in disquise?

ticipate in. There are countless video games, computers, and electronic toys, to distract them from physical exercise. Often times the only real exercise a child will receive is through Physical educa ... esses to exploit them in play, in order to win? Is that not the basis of every game? The purpose of Physical Education is to provide supervised physical activities to children to keep them fit and act ...

(2 pages) 20 0 3.7 Feb/2005

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community > Children and Youngsters

Comparing two articles about Physical Excercise.

Nowadays, people are more concerned with their physical appearance. In order to get fit; people either refer to dieting, go to gymnasiums or do pla ... " is not a completely recent concept; it was applied among the ancient Greeks and Romans. (The New) Physical exercise was also practiced during war time to set up the soldiers for the battle (The new) ... xercise for herself. She notices no changes to her physique or to her emotional state when she does physical exercises. This point is from Crewe's own point of view or only in her case; she doesn't me ...

(4 pages) 26 0 5.0 Oct/2005

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Sports

Physical education.

ession "Mens sana in corpora sano" ("A sound mind in a sound body") dates back to ancient times but physical education has not always been viewed as important and attitudes towards it have changed man ... ered equally as important as training of the mind; however, after the fall of ancient civilizations physical activity for a long time was considered a waste time and work of the devil. Only in the XIX ...

(4 pages) 68 0 0.0 Nov/2005

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Education

Childhood obesity

an excessive proportion of body fat" (p.11-13). Generally, obesity in children is caused by lack of physical activity, unhealthy nutrition intake, or a combination of the two, all playing an important ... g an important role in determining a child's weight.The first cause of the child obesity is lack of physical exercise. Since our lifestyles today are a great deal more sedentary than before, both adul ...

(3 pages) 296 0 4.3 Mar/2006

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine

Being a sucessful basketball player

ng the natural or acquired traits, such as strength, agility, and endurance, that are necessary for physical exercise or sports, especially those performed in competitive contexts. Basketball is perha ... hletic training principles and hard practice knowledge is important. Training is defined to prepare physically. All athletes have motive, they are competitive, and strive for victory. Training in the ...

(6 pages) 36 0 2.0 Apr/2006

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Sports


has a few meanings. It's both a school of thought in the Hindu religion, and a system of mental and physical exercise developed by this school. All forms of yoga originated in India. People who follow ... herapy.In conclusion, yoga is great for people who lead hectic or stressful lives. It improves your physical appearance, increases vitality, and reduces stress tension. It teaches simple ways to impro ...

(3 pages) 30 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine

Long-distance Cycling

the excitement of speed, and you certainly don¡¦t need to go to a gym to maintain your physical health. Long-distance cycling can provide all that. It is a sport that can provide a person ... hat can provide a personal sense of accomplishment, a way for you to enjoy the outdoors, and attain physical fitness at the same time. To achieve the above feelings, there are several steps you need t ...

(4 pages) 4 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine

The teacher walks around the playground contently watching the students

The teacher walks around the playground contently watching the students get some physical exercise in between learning. She sees all the children are getting along nicely, playing o ...

(3 pages) 1061 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology

The Importance of Physical Activity

The adults surrounding American children should teach the kids about the importance of physical activity in their daily lives. Most importantly, children need to realize that maintaining ... of him/her acquiring an eating disorder later in life are smaller. Finally, history has proven that physical exercise in young people helps to keep the majority mentally focused in the classroom.In Am ... healthy. In contrast to dieting, children should be shown more productive ways of controlling their physical well-being. Teaching healthy eating behaviors at a young age proves to be important since c ...

(3 pages) 58 1 5.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Diseases

Alzheimer's Disease

rks and connections. Exercising the brain builds reserves of neural networks (2).The changes in the physical attributes of the brain seen at autopsy are a waxy build-up surrounding nerve cells, thereb ... ent appear to counter even the worst-looking damage to other cells." (2) Along with brain exercise, physical exercise makes healthier DNA and nerve cells (not to mention the reduction in stress and de ...

(7 pages) 58 0 3.0 Apr/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology

Stress Management And Skin Disorders

Emotional and physical stress has been scientifically proven to enhance such skin disorders as hives, psoriasis, a ... es, psoriasis, acne, Resaca and eczema. Doctors have found that certain skin disorders are not only physical but are emotional in nature as well. They are now trying to treat out the daily stressors i ... ess related. To reduce stress I've had to learned certain coping mechanisms such as deep breathing, physical exercise, having a positive mental attitude and medication when necessary.I chose this arti ...

(2 pages) 12 0 0.0 May/2008

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Health & Fitness

Why is understanding the service user's point of view important in health care, and what can be done to take this point of view into account? Discuss with reference to diabetes care.

s given from Nurse Richards.Patients suffering from diabetes are normally advised to increase their physical activities and to eat a healthy diet.Anwar told Nurse Richards that he found it hard to fol ... the study explained:-Language barriers;-Different diet due to the culture being different;-Lack of physical exercise due to cultural taboos about exposing the bodies to the opposite gender and time c ...

(4 pages) 30 0 5.0 Jun/2009

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community

Intervention: An Imperative Ingredient to Healthy Youth

e for a sweet, healthy adolescent lifestyle so difficult to create? It certainly appears so, as the physical well-being of our Canadian youth has evidently been rotting away over the past few decades. ... y's youth. As a result of the busy academic curriculum, Ontario students lack an adequate amount of physical exercise and education, an essential ingredient of overall well-being. Critics argue that s ...

(5 pages) 44 0 0.0 Sep/2009

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

persuasive essay

How to maintain the healthy weight?Specific Purpose: The ways that we can maintain our healthy are physical exercise; plan our meals, and cutting calories.IntroductionAttentionThe National Institutes ... is considered to be obese.Thesis & Preview:Today, the way that we can maintain our healthy are physical exercise, plan our meals, cutting calories.BodyMain Point 1: The first way that we can do t ...

(6 pages) 0 0 0.0 Dec/2012

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays