Essays Tagged: "Rape"

Pornography - - Sex or Subordination?

In the late Seventies, America became shocked and outraged by the rape,mutilation, and murder of over a dozen young, beautiful girls. The man who committedthese murde ... cally than therelationship between smoking and cancer" (Itzin 22). After considering the increase inrape and molestation, sexual harassment, and other sex crimes over the last few decades,and also the ... or sexual aggression. Out of this study the males were more acceptable ofinterpersonal violence and rape myths and also more attracted to sexual aggression.These same males were less sympathetic to ra ...

(9 pages) 331 2 3.3 Jan/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Sex & Sexuality

Use of Contrasts in Act I of The Tempest

ed the body, couldn't control his actions and thus made him the opposite of Ariel. He even tried to rape Miranda once, but was stopped by Prospero in the process. In fact, it might even be safe to say ...

(3 pages) 82 0 4.5 Feb/1997

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Shakespeare

Justification of Violence

t unreasonable to believe that. There are plenty ofsituations that fit this example. One of them is rape. If a woman is being attacked and sexuallyforced to do something she did not consent on doing, ... mething she did not consent on doing, she has the right to fight back and prevent itfrom happening. Rape does not only involve sexual assault; there is much physical assaultinvolved, also. Many women ...

(4 pages) 130 0 4.9 Feb/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy

A developmental study of Alex in the Stanley Kubrick production of A Clockwork Orange using modern psychological theories

in evenings of Ultra-Violence. Ultra Violence consists of random beatings, theft, destruction, and rape. The main character, Alex, is the self-proclaimed leader of the pack, and makes judgment on the ...

(8 pages) 227 5 4.2 Dec/1996

Subjects: Art Essays > Film & TV Studies > Film Review and Analysis

Violence and Pornography, pornography -- Sex or Subordination?

In the late Seventies, America became shocked and outragedby the rape, mutilation, and murder of over a dozen young,beautiful girls. The man who committed these murd ... cally than the relationship betweensmoking and cancery (Itzin 22). After considering theincrease in rape and molestation, sexual harassment, andother sex crimes over the last few decades, and also the ... lent, ÿsnuffÿ, andchild pornography. Ultraviolent tapes or videos show theactual torture, rape, and sometime mutilation of a woman.ÿSnuffÿ films go even future to depict the actual ...

(15 pages) 291 0 3.6 Jan/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Sex & Sexuality

Oedipus Rex, Predestined Fate

decisions to change the course of their lives.One of Oedipus' ancestors committed a terrible act of rape some time ago. This behavior obviously didn't please the gods and thus they punished Oedipus' f ...

(4 pages) 120 0 2.2 Nov/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies > Mythology

"Rape of Lock" by Alexander Pope & "The Eve of St. Agnes" by John Keats

rough the influential works of John Keats and Alexander Pope. These works are acknowledged as, 'The Rape of Lock' and 'The Eve of St. Agnes.' Alexander Pope takes his readers on a hatred filled epic. ... s readers on a hatred filled epic. A robust piece of literature and love induced psychoses in, 'The Rape of Lock.' On the other hand, 'The Eve of St. Agnes' told a tale of life, love, death, and etern ...

(5 pages) 88 0 3.7 Nov/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

The view of women in varios cultures

ter in the world! However there are no end of reports of wife burning, female infanticide, battery, rape that take place in a democratic India. However it is hardly mentioned that women and men in Ind ... paper in New Delhi, every 6 minutes, a crime is committed against women. Every 7 minutes a woman is raped, every 45 minutes a woman is kidnapped or abducted. 335 of women are subjected to cruelty. 17 ...

(5 pages) 124 0 4.7 Jan/1996

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Civil Rights > Women's Studies

Was Colonial Culture Uniquely American? Refers to a section in the book "Taking sides" by Gary B. Nash

to be the first time that two major cultures had ever actually combined, either by marriage, slave rape, or adultery. This alone, the creating of a third race, is unique.Mr. Nash goes on to tell us o ... to be the first time that two major cultures had ever actually combined, either by marriage, slave rape, or adultery. This alone, the creating of a third race, is unique.Mr. Nash goes on to tell us o ...

(3 pages) 54 0 3.7 Dec/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

The differences between eighteenth-century literature and romantic poems, with respect to history seen through the influental works of 'The Rape of Lock.' by Alexander Pope and 'The Eve of St. Agnes.' by John Keats

rough the influential works of John Keats and Alexander Pope. These works are acknowledged as, 'The Rape of Lock' and 'The Eve of St. Agnes.' Alexander Pope takes his readers on a hatred filled epic. ... s readers on a hatred filled epic. A robust piece of literature and love induced psychoses in, 'The Rape of Lock.' On the other hand, 'The Eve of St. Agnes' told a tale of life, love, death, and etern ...

(5 pages) 74 0 3.0 Jan/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

Tells opinion, summary, anaylsis of characters, & literary devices used in the Prince Of Tides.

book and Pat Conroy didn't scale down or compromise the reality. There was everything from abuse to rape and cheating on marriages. That was what made you want to turn the page just one more time. I c ...

(3 pages) 71 0 3.7 Aug/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers


you must first decide if the act is criminal or not. For example, we know that murder, robbery, and rape are morally wrong, but we still must have laws against these acts to try and keep them from occ ...

(4 pages) 236 1 2.0 Oct/2002

Subjects: Law & Government Essays

Capital Punishment

urder. The death penalty has also been imposedfor such serious crimes as armed robbery, kidnapping, rape, andtreason. There is a lot of conflict between people about whetheror not capital punishment i ... centurythere were eight capital crimes: treason , petty treason,murder, larceny, robbery, burglary, rape, and arson. Othercrimes were soon added to the list, so that by the year 1780there were 350.Exe ...

(8 pages) 147 0 5.0 Nov/1996

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Law > Issues > Death Penalty

Abortion essays. Explains who faults it is? and What it is? and Why do we have abortion?

y because of various factors such as medical complications, fetal abnormalities, tragic events like rape, or lack of money. I believe women have the right to terminate a pregnancy. The decision of a w ...

(9 pages) 561 11 4.5 Nov/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

"Sex Without Love" The Water Method Man - John Irving The Hotel New Hampshire - John Irving This essay talks about the effects that sex without love has on people in various walks of life.

metimes sex happens without love. Sex without love has various influences on people in their lives. Rape causes long lasting scars on peoples lives, sex is often used as a form of healing, and prostit ... es lives, sex is often used as a form of healing, and prostitution is a way of life for some people.Rape causes long lasting scars on peoples lives. Rape is forcing another person to submit to sexual ...

(4 pages) 166 2 3.2 Jan/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Sex & Sexuality

Abortion: Choice Vs. Murder, an argumentative paper

of an pregnancy leading into an abortion, would be if it were a product of a violent crime, such as rape or incest.Why should women be made to care for children that were not intentionally wanted or p ...

(3 pages) 316 3 3.0 Jan/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues

About Maya Angelou's "I know why the caged bird sings", and it's specific, re-occurring, themes. The themes this essay focuses on are dignity and respect.

y removed from the pleasures of dignity. At one point in the book, the pitiful Mr. Freeman actually raped Maya. This made Maya "grim...and ashamed" of herself, lowering her dignity to a horrifically r ... un down level. This incident asserted in the novel that Maya's dignity was very low. Because of the rape, which was not her fault, Maya was afraid that she would be in trouble for lying to her family. ...

(2 pages) 110 1 3.6 Jan/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

The Individual's Will Within Society. Does a citizen have an obligation to obey the will of the State if it goes against the individual's will?

takes and progress.As a civilized, reasonable human being, I know not to put others in danger or to rape, molest, murder, or cheat anybody. Anyone of sound mind knows the same. The laws prohibiting th ... d agree that testing products on animals is insane, yet it happens to be legal to do so. Murder and rape are illegal unless during wartime. If a person chooses to takes drugs (only harming their self) ...

(3 pages) 73 0 2.6 Mar/2003

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Civil Rights

Essay on Opposing the Death Penalty with Bibliograpgy

eorgia trial. This case was about three black men that received the death penalty for the murder or rape of white people. It was argued against because two of the men were sentenced to death for rape, ... ent person. Nobody has ever been sentenced the death penalty, executed, then found to be innocent (Draper 35). But since 1973 there have been 102 people in 25 states that have been released from death ...

(3 pages) 186 2 3.8 Mar/2003

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Law > Issues > Death Penalty


Rape is the crime of forcing sexual intercourse upon a person against the individuals will. Men or w ... the individuals will. Men or women may be victims, but there is a significant amount of women being raped in the United States alone. Rape includes intercourse in the vagina, anus, or mouth. This is a ... be most vulnerable to attack or can easily assert power against. Although people at any age may be raped sixty seven percent of all victims of sexual assault were under the age of eighteen. Rape many ...

(11 pages) 260 0 3.9 Apr/2003

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Law > Issues