Essays Tagged: "right arm"

The Day in the Life of a Drug Addict

way from the faucet and let the syringe fall into the sink. Then I rolled up the shirt sleeve on my right arm. I looked at my arm. I had tracks, needle marks, up and down my arm. My shirt sleeve had b ... d. My heart was beating fast and my mind was listening to the loud sounds around me. Then the more frightened I grew, I knew someone was out to get me. I stayed afraid. I just knew I was going to get ...

(3 pages) 57 0 4.5 Feb/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Drugs

The Giver: By Lois Lowry Chapter 24- In my chapter, Jonas comes back to rescue his "perfect Utopian" society from the pain and sorrow the community experiences from the bad memories released.

his community. Luckily, nothing had happened to Gabriel. But Jonas wasn't as fortunate. His entire right arm had gotten frostbite, and he needed it to be amputated. Fortunately, with the technology t ...

(6 pages) 119 4 4.3 Feb/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

"The Pianist."

e. Later on in the movie, Jewish people were required to wear armbands that they must wear on their right arm. On the armband was the Star of David - the Jewish religious symbol. Jews were slaughtered ...

(2 pages) 62 0 5.0 Apr/2003

Subjects: Art Essays > Film & TV Studies > Film Review and Analysis

Analysis of 2 items that relate to "relationships" how it is depicted and the themes involved

position where the man is standing behind the woman with her leaning on him lightly and angling her right hip against the man slightly, against a background of "winter white" (white, but with a tinge ... ainst a background of "winter white" (white, but with a tinge of cream within). He is caressing her right arm or holding it gently against his lower chest while her right arm is resting at the side of ...

(6 pages) 32 0 4.0 Mar/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

The Next Generation in the NBA

The Next Generation in the NBAEventually, the NBA's brightest stars will fade from the sky. Great players come and go. Most new players wait, ready to ca ... nce known. Damon Staudamire and Grant Hill are the Next Generation in the NBA.On Damon Staudamire's right arm is a tattoo of mightymouse clutching a basketball. It is an appropriate symbol. Damon, the ... 20.2 and his rebounding average to 9.8; leading the Pistons in both categories.To Grant, having the right attitude means understanding that there is more to life than just sports. He thinks athletes s ...

(5 pages) 41 1 4.5 Apr/2004

Subjects: Art Essays

Its an untitled work in progress by me about a person named Calithar Harlen. ps tell me how you like it/what i need to do to fix it

.STOP!!! The brakes went on but didn't go on in time. He hit the front end of a truck, then hit his right arm on a street post, and went thru a glass window and hit the wall inside that practically br ... mfortable type to get out of. He got out of bed then wandered through the never-ending halls. Left, right, straight, left, left, straight, right. He could see the door that he left ajar. "Oh geez," sa ...

(8 pages) 31 1 0.0 May/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Stop Shooting the Bacon and Shoot the Cafe!

Two pills set on the hardwood floor of the apartment. A young girl laid on the couch with her right arm hanging off the couch while her left arm was lying over her face. Only one stalking was on ... iend called the paramedics then he ran off so he wouldn't get busted for giving the girl drugs.The bright white lights woke her up as the doctors rushed her to the operating room through emergency, wh ...

(4 pages) 56 2 4.3 Jul/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing


e Jews had to fallow the rules that the Nazis put over them, and they had to wear the star in their right arm. One day Mordechai Anielewiez who was a Zionist formed a group called ZOB (Jews Fighting O ... chose die with honor and dignity.I think that the Jews that were in this group of fighters took the right decision to join the movement because they knew that they were going to die anyways. I think t ...

(5 pages) 26 1 4.0 Aug/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

My Grandmother's Battle

y life changed forever. When my grandmother began to not act like herself. I knew something wasn't right when I asked her what was wrong, she began to explain that she felt exhausted, and she couldn' ... eat without becoming sick and losing whatever she ate. She couldn't sleep because the pain in her right shoulder and right arm made her very uncomfortable. The family thought nothing of the pain in ...

(5 pages) 36 1 5.0 Nov/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Diseases

"Max" - film review.

rt dealer whom has social status as his Jewish family seems to be well-established. He has lost his right arm after being a veteran in World War I and is struggling to grasp the power of words rather ...

(1 pages) 1155 0 2.5 Sep/2005

Subjects: Art Essays > Film & TV Studies > Film Review and Analysis

Eminem Biography.

hat his Uncle Ronnie bought him. 10 years later, Ronnie would commit suicide. (A tattoo on Eminem's right arm bears his uncle's name).Eminem began free styling in his friend's basement at the age of 1 ... Eminem was now adopting the alter ego of the Texas Chain Saw Massacre serial killer, complete with fright mask, dungarees and regulation chain saw. 2001 also saw the emergence of side project D-12 - E ...

(5 pages) 35 1 4.0 Dec/2005

Subjects: Art Essays > Music History & Studies > Performers & Composers

A Hero On Canvas: George Washington as a General.

ky background filled with wounded and still fighting men, Washington stands there in his well-known right-arm-and-left-foot-out pose. You immediately look into his eyes and see the responsibility and ... d, is the dying General Mercer"(Hughes 98). Mercer appears only mildly injured since he is in the upright position, but a closer look shows his milky-white face drained from color. The feeling of patr ...

(3 pages) 31 0 5.0 Dec/2005

Subjects: Art Essays > Works of Art

Biomechanics of throwing of a javelin

Throw Phase only for right handed throwerMechanics objective: to maximize distance of the throw of the javelin in the air ... ft of the javelin to the rear of the (V form)* Thumb lies along the side of the binding* Stand with right food forward* Right arm abducted in the sagittal plane, forearm flexed so the elbow is pointed ... ght arm abducted in the sagittal plane, forearm flexed so the elbow is pointed forward* Palm of the right hand points at sky to provide a platform for the javelin* Aim the javelin in the direction you ...

(3 pages) 22 0 3.7 May/2006

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Education

"The Giver" by Lois Lowry- Ending

munity, but luckily nothing happened to Gabriel but luck hadn't played that well for Jonas. His all right arm was frostbite. While Jonas & Gabriel was strolling around "elsewhere" they saw many co ... t your feeling pretty confused about what's going on but its ok" he continued "what you are feeling right now is something that took Jonas a whole year to internalize and you had to internalize it in ...

(1 pages) 51 5 3.5 Apr/2007

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Captain Tory - a short story about how Captain Tory learned to take heed of others, no matter how unreliable they may seem

ry sighed in annoyance and glanced at the docks. He observed a bearded man holding a lantern in his right hand and a small boy’s right arm in his left hand. Flickering lights appeared near the tw ... overwhelming sense of guilt, but for no apparent reason. It was not his fault. He probably did the right thing. But what about Baxter? Captain Tory felt guilty for ignoring Baxter, who knew about the ...

(2 pages) 2276 0 3.0 May/2007

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing > Poems & Short Stories

To kill a mockingbird essay-ev

by unexpectedly throwing a ball at Tom Robinson. Tom's only reaction was to catch the ball with his right arm. This point is connected to Heck Tate's testimony in telling the court that the right side ... the other side of the coin, Atticus shows the court that Mr. Ewell is not ambidextrous but is only right-handed. A second testimony that supports the opposite of the verdict, was the fact that ...

(2 pages) 3 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee

Stephon Marbury

eat everybody with respect and to be a professional person. He had also tattooed a panther onto his right arm. He said: "A panther is quick and smart and always alert to everything. He's sitting on to ... both when they turned out to be anything short of great.This fear of being ridiculed back at home frightened him. Stephon Marbury had always dreamed of going to the professionals. He had menti ...

(8 pages) 10 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Sports

To kill a mockingbird essay-ev

by unexpectedly throwing a ball at Tom Robinson. Tom's only reaction was to catch the ball with his right arm. This point is connected to Heck Tate's testimony in telling the court that the right side ... the other side of the coin, Atticus shows the court that Mr. Ewell is not ambidextrous but is only right-handed. A second testimony that supports the opposite of the verdict, was the fact that ...

(2 pages) 2 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee

Egyptian Art Statue from Metropolitn Museum

o the limestone block from which they were carved. There is chipping on the surface of Memi's (man) right arm. A portion of Sabu's (woman) nose and her lips appear to be chipped off as well. On the lo ... pear to be chipped off as well. On the lower part of Sabu's body there is chipping on both legs and right underneath her pelvic area. There are visible horizontal lines that cut right across Memi's ri ...

(5 pages) 26 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Art Essays > Works of Art

The Death Of Socrates

the painting, Socrates? posture is very defiant. His left arm is upraised and firmly pointing. His right arm is more relaxed while he was looking away from the poison he was reaching for. Reaching fo ...

(2 pages) 24 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Classical Philosophy