Essays Tagged: "Target market"

Streamline Design in America

n of labor-saving, domestic electrical appliances. They were quite logically identified as a likely target market to which business should direct its attention. An advertisement of the period in Print ...

(5 pages) 175 0 4.3 Feb/1997

Subjects: Art Essays > Design Arts

Marketing Research- Starbucks vs. Coffee Beans

nct subsets of consumers with common needs or characteristics and selecting one or more segments to target with a distinct marketing mix (Schiffman, Bednall, Cowley, O'Cass, Watson and Kanuk, 2001). D ... tson and Kanuk, 2001). Different companies have different abilities that enable them to serve their target market better, which is why some companies choose to focus much of their attention to specifi ...

(5 pages) 1056 2 4.1 Mar/2002

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Case Studies

Ray Kroc and McDonald's Marketing Strategy

'par excellence', it must use the full meaning and definition of marketing. Marketing is giving the target market what they want, when and where they want it, at a price they are willing to pay for it ... analysis. They have packaged their food and priced it exactly to the market segment which they have targeted.Showing McDonald's innovations in marketing even further, is its early adaptation of societ ...

(3 pages) 513 1 3.5 Dec/1996

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers


ecome one of the most important sources of personal data from organizations who want to reach their target market to users who want to take advantage of the convenience of doing research, shopping, or ...

(4 pages) 576 4 4.9 Dec/2002

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Case Studies > E-commerce

Segmentation and positioning analysis of a new product

ssive, visible arc*Accurate thermometer, timer and fuel gauge*Heavyweight, smooth operating controlsTarget MarketDemographic ProfileAge: 25 - 45The target market will be young adults to early-middle a ... omerGender: MaleMen are the primary buyers of gas grills (Meyers, 2002).Family Size: 1 - 4Since the target market is young, they will tend to be single or with new families.Family Life Cycle: Single t ...

(3 pages) 739 5 3.8 Mar/2003

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Marketing

Title - marketing mix of Nokia 7210

nctionalities, such as digital enhancement identification, stereo audio, and fast data connectivity.Target Market: Teenagers/Young Adults (15 ? 27yrs)StudentsProduct: Anatomy: Core ? Mobile PhoneActua ... �9.99 (Argos, Carphone warehouse, Index)A Description Of the Criteria Used by the Company to Target the Selected MarketThe company Nokia have promoted the Nokia 7210 in a certain way to target ...

(22 pages) 704 0 4.3 Mar/2003

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Marketing

Use the Marketing Techniques and develop a company dealing with the childcare industry in Malaysia

childcare and this create more golden opportunity for marketer to choose childcare service as their target market. The childcare service has its own target market consisting of all actual and potentia ... te a great opportunity for childcare sectors and marketers will need to aim young children as their target markets.2. The Changing Family- over the past twenty years there has been a significant rural ...

(13 pages) 117 0 5.0 May/2003

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Marketing

Marketing Case Study- Sydney Aquarium Marketing Plan (very detailed).

1.The segmentation of target market§Customers are grouped in various ways. Firstly they have;oDifferent demographicso ... s are UK, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, HongKong, US, Korea and Germany. "China, UK NZ are aggressively targeted" as there is seen to be the greatest visitation growth potential from these countries.Septe ... and low Australian dollar has provided a positive outlook for international tourism to Sydney.§Target Markets are also grouped in much detail and precisely;oSingle Income No Kids (SINKS)oDouble I ...

(2 pages) 372 0 3.7 Jul/2003

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Case Studies

Marketing Plan for development of Multi-Cultural Calendar.

portunities2.9.4 Threats2.9.5 Trends3.0 Marketing Strategy3.1 Financial plan3.2 Market objective3.3 Target market3.4 Segmentation3.5 Differentiation3.6 Positioning3.7 Market research4.0 Product life c ... ers from other calendars by the way it is marketed. It is in barbershops not Barnes and Noble. It's target market of men from all ethnic backgrounds from age eighteen to thirty living in Seattle makes ...

(16 pages) 309 0 4.0 Aug/2003

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Marketing

External & Internal Analysis of Amazon during 1997. Example of a Strategic Management in the New Economy.

by the year 2000 (Pearce, 2000), showed a large potential for more customers for As the target market increases, so does the number of potential customers. The Internet also provided an op ...

(10 pages) 625 2 4.0 Oct/2003

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Case Studies > E-commerce

This essay was written as a business concept for a unique small business. I developed the concept for this business and had to write a paper on it.

.............................. 3Industry Trends ................................... 3Demographics / Target Market ................. 8Competition ...................................... 13Competitive Ad ... ctors have contributed to a relatively recent emergence in grooming and care services. We intend to target households with income that well exceed the $20,000 to $30,000 noted by the AVMA.According to ...

(26 pages) 1460 3 4.6 Oct/2003

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Management

Launching the BMW Z3 Roadster. An HBS Case

bile industry as it is the brand image that drives the person to buy the automobile and defines the target market and therefore the revenues. This could be supported from the past: their shift in posi ...

(3 pages) 313 0 4.4 Jan/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Marketing

Company Case: Trap-Ease America: he big cheese of mousetrap

ne to show the disadvantages of the competitor's products.2) I think Martha has identified the best target market: "Women" because they care about mice. The firm could also try to target men, although ... uce and sell or distribute conventional traps.6) I would change the marketing strategy by trying to target to more assorted segments. I would also attempt to reduce the price to be more competitive, a ...

(1 pages) 144 0 3.9 Feb/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Case Studies

Marketing Plan - Mouth Wash.

romotional campaigns to effectively launch our latest product, non-alcohol Maxi-Fresh Mouthwash.2.0 TARGET MARKET2.1 Market Segmentation:- 2.1.1 Geographic:i) East and West Malaysia2.1.1 Demographic: ... a2.1.1 Demographic: i) Age 6- 44 yearsii) Children and MalayMuslim.2.1.2 Socioeconomici) Income,2.2 Target Market: - 2.2.1 Differentiated Marketing:i)Malay Muslim, Middle-income group, health consciou ...

(2 pages) 73 0 0.0 Mar/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Marketing

The aim of this essay is to analyse and explain the Blackberry's launching in France.

ves1.2 The market to be entered1.3 The market entry alternativesII. The operational plan1.1Detailed Target market1.2Market positionning1.3Management implicationsCONCLUSIONINTRODUCTIONThe aim of this e ... rk for the parent company must move in France for the lauching.II. The operational plan2.1 Detailed Target marketTARGET AUDIENCE*Primary target:People who work in a French company and which must equip ...

(10 pages) 185 0 3.7 Apr/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Marketing

The four P's of Marketing.

deciding on a product one needs to keep in mind that the product should satisfy a need or want of a target market.Place is focused on getting the product to the target market that has been identified. ... tified. After the target market has been identified the product needs to be placed in order for the target market to purchase the product. A car wash is not going to succeed in Amish country. Another ...

(3 pages) 260 0 4.3 Apr/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Marketing

Industry Analysis of the Liz Claiborne Industry. Covering the business and marketing enviroment of the industry which makes it so successful.

ical conduct are what separates them from the rest of the best.Liz Claiborne, Inc. has a very broad target market in both men's and women's clothing. There are twenty-one brands under the Liz Claiborn ... ping up behind them.The buyers of Liz Claiborne, Inc. products are very brand loyal. The buyers are targeted and continue a long relationship with many Claiborne products. The size of the buyer is fai ...

(12 pages) 280 0 4.1 Apr/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

Ford Ka: Breaking New Ground in the Small Car Market : Insead case on market segmentation

wealthy and a small car for the less fortunate. For Ford, it is critical that they determine their target market for a new addition to their lineup, the Ka. But first, Ford needs to determine who tha ... , Gilles Moynier put it, "The Ka is already developed and therefore, we need to find an appropriate target market for the product, rather than the other way around."Finding this target market is espec ...

(7 pages) 396 0 4.8 Apr/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Marketing

Frigidaire Appliance - MArketing Strategy

e. All of these machines would also comprise the set of competitive products that would serve their target market.For the target market that Frigidaire has identified for their front loading machines ... to concentrate on a singular attribute that is important to a large number of members of the newly targeted market segment. In the case of the front loader, I would recommend, since the front loader ...

(2 pages) 178 0 4.0 Apr/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Marketing

The role of promotion in marketing.

e and inform the public of their product. Promotion is also however used to influence the marketers target market usually via means of interpellation, promoting their product as better than any other ... w into the company.My advice on promoting the University of Kwazulu Natal is as follows:Firstly the target market is needed to be sorted out (we need to identify the target market) thus being matric a ...

(6 pages) 18699 0 5.0 Apr/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Marketing