Description: An analytical look at Bjork's song trilogy including the songs: Human Behavior, Isobel and Bachelorette. The prompt was to write a critical evaluation on a piece of art or music.
One of the most prolific writers, performers and artists of our time, Bjork has devoted much of her life to the creation of experimental and contemporary music that has defied all classification. Studying musical theory, flute, piano, and voice, young Bjork debuted her first Icelandic album at the age of only eleven. Trying out numerous bands in her teenage years, Bjork eventually made the leap in 1993 to release yet another solo album, Debut, signifying a new stage in her life. In the past ten years Bjork has produced a number of albums each artful and thoughtfully mastered. Amongst her many albums, Bjork has produced three that contain the story of Human Behaviour, which "explores an animal's viewpoint of homosapiens" (Kraus).
Written and produced during 1993, Bjork's first chapter of her lyrical epic, Human Behaviour, became apart of her first solo album Debut. Two years following Bjork wrote the song Isobel which debuted in her third solo album Post. Completed only two years later, Bjork wrote Bachelorette making her lyrical epic a song trilogy ("Bjork Biography").
The theme within in all three songs is the value of the unpredictability in human behavior. Throughout each song, there is true value in living life instead of just going through the motions, and although there will be ups and downs, it is important to take it for what it is. There are many emotions that make up someone's life, and in these three songs there are specific ones that make up Isobel's life such as confusion, fear, love, passion, and independence. These are basic emotions that every...