Did Hitler create a classless Volksgemeinschaft ?

Essay by sincerely_hanA, January 2004

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Did Hitler create a classless Volksgemeinschaft ?

It has been established that one of Hitler's key tools in securing support, was the ability of his party to build bridges over the gaps between the classes of society. This became an important idea in the Nazi regime. Not only did Hitler want to appeal between the classes, he wanted to actually make the divisions smaller. He wanted to create, not a regimented community with fractures in society, but one strong fraternity; one powerful nation. In this way Nazism could be seen as an ideology, a movement, more than just a political party. It was not liberal individualism and socialist class warfare, but it was Volksgemeinschaft, the concept of a people's community, that Hitler drove for. However did Hitler make an impact? Was the structure of German society actually changed? Had it fundamentally undertaken the revolution that Hitler wanted?

Probably the most numerous members of the German society were the industrial workers, the everyday people.

They lived on low wages, in poor living conditions and lead a far from glamorous live. If Hitler were to create a classless society then he must either, deprecate other members of society to their level, or elevate them into higher realms. Hitler claimed to do the later. Many workers were benefiting from regular work and stable rents. Organisations such as the KDF, (Strength through Joy) were allowing workers to partake in government funding activities, such as holidays, day trips and sporting activities. Working conditions were improving, and some workers could even enjoy swimming pools at their factories. It does appear the Hitler had eradicating the daily struggle of the normal everyday man. He no longer needed to slave all day, in painstaking condition, for little return. No longer had to worry about the next...