Dreams. From why we dream to how to control them.

Essay by TakEaLoOk@meHigh School, 11th gradeA+, September 2003

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Ever wonder why do we dream? What is the purpose? Some people think our dreams are meaningless, but yet why do we dream? There isn't a human being who haven't dreamed before. Everyone dreams some point in there life, some more than others but it still happens. During my research I established that dreams are controlled by the brain, by our surrounding or emotions. For instance, brain experts would tell you that we dream because our need constant stimulation. In other words, while we are awake we get this stimulation from what goes on around us; but when we are sleeping, the brain has no stimulation. Moreover, our surrounding while sleeping deals with the mood of the room and at times you end up dreaming about it. For example, feeling cold makes you dream of winter, ice cream etc. Another reason why we dream may perhaps deal with our attitude about certain things.

Like feeling stressed or afraid may lead to nightmares.

What are nightmares really composed of? Well, having nightmares could deal with bad experiences in the past that you cant forget or cant put aside. When you are constantly having nightmares it means something is obviously is bothering you. Nightmares are usually about problems that are going on in your head. The only way to handle nightmares and make them stop, is to deal with your problems and eventually the uncomfortable nights will come to an end.

Interpreting your dreams may take different methods and depends on the person. The most general method that people often use is breaking down your dream into understandable symbols. Symbols have personal meanings that you should be able to recognize. Another option in interpreting dreams is getting a dreams dictionary which helps you reveal the possible meaning. Some examples, dreaming about angels...