Facilities Management

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorUniversity, Master's February 2002

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Facilities The key to managing Facilities is flexibility according to John Doe Director of Operations for Company X Stepper. This flexibility begins with the buildings themselves, from their lease terms and location, to their size and maintenance. Company X has a specific approach to leasing real estate worldwide: having all their leases expire at different times in particular 3 year gaps between leases. Doing this gives them choices when one lease expires, not forcing them to make difficult decisions without proper analysis. As Company X moves toward a JIT system, it keeps its warehouse space to a minimum, however, special attention is paid toward the glass lenses used in its product.

Company X being located in the Silicon Valley was not coincidence, this location was chosen for two main reasons: Customers and Labor. Many companies that require products manufactured by Company X are located in Silicon Valley, as well as the highly skilled workers in the clean rooms required to manufacture such products.

One of the most important skills required by employees is their ability to troubleshoot problems as they occur and correct them. These skilled workers spend their time in a climate controlled clean room environment. According to Doe, Company X has approximately 20,000 feet of Class 100 Clean Room space (Class 1 being the highest.) Through controls and discipline, he estimates that the Company X clean rooms are equivalent to Class 5. Doe also noted that Company X is one of the few Stepper manufacturers that utilize clean rooms in the production process.

Maintenance of the buildings is a major task for Facilities and constitutes 20-30% of the $18 Million Facilities budget (which is the largest allocated department budget at Company X.) A full-time maintenance staff is not used; rather all maintenance issues such as HVAC, electrical, vacuum...