Fatherly Love - describes my point of view that Jim acts as a fatherly image for Huck because Huck never really had a great father to look up to.

Essay by nanners3High School, 11th grade November 2003

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How would you describe your father? Is he loving, honest, and helpful? If I were to tell someone about my father, I would describe him as hardworking, considerate, and influential. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, Pap is a poor excuse for Huck's father. At times, we picture Jim as more of Huck's "true father" because he shows some of the characteristics we associate with our own fathers. Jim is seen as Huck's "true father" because he is supportive, understanding, and really cares about Huck.Good fathers expect a lot from their children, but also accept and support the unique individuals that they are becoming. Jim is very supportive of Huck and all his crazy ideas. When the two came across the wrecked steamboat, Jim absolutely refused to board the ship but eventually gave in to Huck's nagging. Although Jim wanted him and Huck to stay safe, he knew there was very little harm in letting the boy go on an adventure and have a little fun.

Jim also supported Huck through all of their time with the king and duke. He helped Huck realize there was hope of getting free and pushed Huck to stay strong and believe.

An understanding father can relate to what their child is going through and understands their feelings and actions. This characteristic can definitely be used to describe Jim. When they are traveling on the raft with the king and duke, Jim and Huck were to take the night watch shifts while the king and duke slept. Huck tells us, "I had the middle watch, you know, but I was pretty sleepy by that time, so Jim he said he would stand the first half of it for me; he was always mighty good at that way, Jim was.