GSM case study.

Essay by nelpilayUniversity, Master's January 2006

download word file, 15 pages 5.0

1.0 Introduction

Organisational change is no longer an option but a necessity. Today's business environment produces change in the workplace more suddenly and frequently than ever before. According to Bolman and Deal (1997), organisations everywhere are struggling to cope with a shrinking planet and global economy. The key to the individual and organisational survival is the ability to adapt to changing work conditions. Change will be ever present thus understanding of human factors is needed along with the skill to manage and lead change effectively. Goldston (1992) mentioned that the "true art of management is in reading the symptoms of a company heading for trouble and taking the appropriate steps to fend off disaster".

In the case of Gulf States Metals Inc. (GSM), a large nickel refinery plant had suffered poor performance since its inception and is under threat of shut down by its parent company International Metals Inc.

The management of GSM was given two years to turn around the company or risk closing down the company. The layout of this assignment begins with analysing the issues that contribute to the poor performance. Secondly, present alternative solutions to address the problems. The final section comprises of recommendations based on the short-listed alternatives.

2.0 Case Analysis

In understanding what the problems of GSM are, it is useful to approach the case from a variety of theoretical perspectives. The four perspectives suggested here: structural, human resources, political and symbolic can be useful ways of viewing organisations. Each frame rests on a different set of assumptions about what drives organisational thinking and behaviour (Bolman & Deal, 1997). In the following sections, I will briefly describe each of these frames and illustrate how these frames might be used in conjunction with this case.

2.1 Structural Frame

The structural frame is a...