
Essay by iluv15_endlessrainHigh School, 12th gradeA-, April 2004

download word file, 3 pages 5.0

How many times in history had a mother pulled her child up from the troughs of his/her life? How many times in history had a child relinquished his or her success and social status for a mother? The answer is numerous. The motivation behind these sacrificial actions is merely the love between a mother and her child.

The bond of love between a mother and her child is the strongest among all relationships. In William Shakespeare's play Hamlet, the author depicted the strength of this relationship by illustrating the care and trust between Queen Gertrude and Prince Hamlet.

Gertrude's love for Hamlet is demonstrated through her care and trust. When Hamlet is dueling Laertes, Gertrude is the only person who shows great cares for Hamlet. She said: "He's fat and scant of breath. Here, Hamlet, take my napkin, rub my brows." (Hamlet, V ii 300-301) In a vicious duel that life might be taken away easily at an instant, Gertrude is the only one who has the courage to be near the ground so that she can see how fatiguing Hamlet is.

She has not even thought about the possibility of accidental injuries to herself because she pays full attention to Hamlet's welfare. It is deep within a mother's nature to put her child's well-being as the most important matter of life. This incident obviously reflects how Gertrude cares and concerns for Hamlet.

Furthermore, Gertrude's trust to Hamlet is shown in act three, scene four when she comments: "Be thou assur'd, if words be made of breath, and breath of life, I have no life to breathe what you said to me." ((Hamlet, III iv 199-201) Before this speech, Hamlet has notified Gertrude that Claudius has murdered King Hamlet. Being the wife of Claudius and the ex-wife of old King...