Managing a Crisis Using PR

Essay by CYN2DAYA, January 2007

download word file, 2 pages 3.0

RE: Greenergy

Proactive planning means when a crisis strikes your company is ready to take action immediately. Everyone knows what their role is, what they are suppose to do and say. Planning for a crisis can also help eliminate factors that may cause a crisis, but should a crisis strike you will be able to divert some of the potential damage a crisis could do. If everyone is prepared a crisis may appear as a minor moment. A plan communicates the key strategies of a company if everyone is prepared, the same message will reach the publics and there will be no confusion. Have a crisis management team put together and know who the spokes people will be. Depending on the size of the organization you may need more than one spokes person. Debrief after every public appearance. Keep a log of responses to journalists The less time the media has to make damaging story after damaging story about a crisis the better a off a company will be, and the potential for less damage to occur.

As anyone knows the media can blow these stories out of proportions. Taking immediate, appropriate, and honest action is the key to crisis management, with this approach the public will not have much time to lose faith or trust in a company, and the company may be able to use a crisis as an opportunity to build goodwill

Feedback is critical to the process of communication. A communicator must get feedback from a receiver to know what messages are or are not getting through and how to structure future communications. When a crisis strikes know that your organization is going to get phone calls and emails. Have only the crisis team handle these events. A press conference in the situation of Greenergy...