The PerfectBook Machine SWOT Analysis

Essay by royalinxCollege, Undergraduate January 2005

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The PerfectBook Machine

SWOT Analysis


Strength 1:

The first company that plans to globally deploy a low cost (for as little as $30,000) totally automatic book machine.

Strength 2:

Relatively no competition.

Strength 3:

Years of operating experience in the management of Research and Development, Engineering and Manufacturing as well as General Management.

Strength 4:

Excellent track record of hands-on start-up and turn-around support.

Strength 5:

The PerfectBook machine can produce one book in twelve minutes, in any language, in quantities of one, without any human intervention. Working from digital file, it can print, bind, and trip a book of any size in a matter of minutes.

Strength 6:

The PerfectBook Machine can be operated by one person, and requires no special knowledge to operate - even teenager could run it.

Strength 7:

First print-on-demand book in history. Efficient machinery. Digital printing of electronic book files.

Strength 8:

The Company was issued three basic concept patents in this field.


Weakness 1:

Cannot supply a vast digital catalogue of titles.

Weakness 2:

Three patents pending.

Weakness 3:

Before 1980 majority of books published were not in digital file format.

Weakness 4:

Company name not recognized. No reputation. New company to the printing industry.

Weakness 5:

No established cash flow.


Opportunity 1:

The only one in the industry with print-on-demand technology.

Opportunity 2:

Planning to move a product into a new market sector. Worldwide.

Opportunity 3:

New technology was developed which means re-alignment of the market sector.

Opportunity 4:

In 2000 buyers spent approximately $1 billion in books.

Opportunity 5:

Convenience for customers. Customers could order a book on Internet and pick it up within few minutes anywhere and anytime.

Opportunity 6:

Retail outlets and bookstores would no longer have to devote so much of their capital to...