Problem-solution essay on child labor

Essay by needsajobJunior High, 9th gradeA+, March 2004

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Child labor is an increasing problem in the world. The children who work in factories are more likely to become physically and mentally underdeveloped than children who go to school. Asia and Africa have over 90% of the children who work in the world. These places also have the highest death rate for children 10-16 years old. That isn't a coincidence due to the fact over 60% of children who work at factories die before they earn $1,000. The major reason for these deaths is they live in poverty. Major companies (i.e. NIKE) take advantage of this by hiring children and paying them less money than adults. This is a major problem and it can be solved.

To solve this problem, we, the people of the world, would need an international restriction on the working age. With these restrictions in place worldwide, we would be able to enforce them better.

The enforcement must come from an unbiased group with delegates from every country ( a group much like the UN). By using an unbiased group, it would be harder to have a country not obey and enforce the law. We would also have to have developed countries, such as England and America, help the undeveloped countries by supporting schools and giving children a valid reason to go (i.e. free food and free textbooks). We have to do this with the realization that the child's income is equal to ¼ of the families income and that some children work in order to go to school. By giving them a free meal and books for education, you alleviate the reason they work.

Underdeveloped countries around the world have children working in factories to help support their families. Many of these children don't have a childhood filled with fun and games...