Reality Television

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate June 2001

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Reality Television has recently become the flavor of the month. With the recentish introduction of this genre not too many years ago, we have become more and more saturated with these programs. From major productions such as Survivor to documentaries like Animal Hospital to the worldwide phenomena of Big Brother, reality television comes in many shapes and sizes.

Many are quick to criticize and say there is no substance and is exploitation. But these attacks occur mainly because that since there has been such a major influx of this genre it has become an easy target- especially when programs such as Boot Camp are just Bad.

The public had embraced reality television. Although critics have attacked it, people can't get enough of it, and change their viewing habits accordingly, observed in the recent competition between the old favourite Home and Away and the new sensation Big Brother. People now have to watch these shows because its all anyone ever talks about.

And with Big Brother being interactive, it creates even more interest.

One of the key factors in the influx of these programs is money. Reality TV shows are cheap and easy to make. The producers make a fortune. They don't require paying actors or such a huge crew or set as a show like Dawson's Creek would, and still are up among the highest-rating programs. The first Survivor finale was the highest rating program of the year, and even smaller shows like Temptation Island was averaging 20 million viewers and episode.

So with such a wide profit margin, television networks are quick to jump on the bandwagon. And these ratings will of course attract advertising and sponsorship. I mean, take a look at Primus milking Big Brother for all its worth, not to mention the oversaturation of...