Zoology Essays, Research Papers & Term Papers (181) essays
Zoology essays:
Difference Bonobo and Chimpanzee Essay
... chimpanzees kill members of their own species. The need for social and physical contact is also characteristic of most primates. Species that live in groups need to reconcile aggression. Social groups require some form of conflict resolution. Sexual behavior is one such mechanism to overwhelm ...
... active and when they are not active. Most squirrel species in the United States are active in the daylight hours during the spring and early fall. However, there are a three species of squirrels; the Eastern gray squirrel, Western gray squirrel, and the Arizona gray squirrel that are only active ...
Difference between Great whites and Tiger sharks: Some statistics and history of human death due to sharks
... Tiger Shark vs. Great White Tiger sharks and Great White s are alike in that they are both known to attack and in some cases consume humans or human body parts, and that they are feared from both on land and in the Sea by both human and other creatures ...
Penguin Genetics
... distinctive characteristic of adaptation to captivity is domestication and lack of aggressiveness that the individuals exhibit due to long contact with humans ...
... teeth.The Edmontosaurous also have stiff tails and bulky bodies. Also, their legs are bigger in the back ... are much like the teeth of a modern day shark, the way the new teeth immediately replace the ones ... , in order to scare other dinosaurs and as part of the mating ritual. The Edmontosaurous lived ...
Debate Essay: End the Grizzly Bear Hunt in Alberta
... great recreation to simply creating lovely scenery, Alberta's wilderness is part ... human population. Grizzlies are also an excellent indicator of genetic ...
Mantis Shrimp
... zoo plankton floating around the oceans feeding fish, whales and other wild life. Human activities have had a small impact on the mantis shrimps population. Although the threat of humans ...
REPTILIA: SQUAMATA: IGUANIDAE Crotaphytus collaris This is a species account.
... Behavior. Crotaphytus collaris hibernate during the colder months of winter and fall. When not hibernating males will have certain areas in which he will protect, very aggressive to the other males who trespass. FIGURE: A male Eastern ...
The Peregrine Falcon
... male will incubate. Peregrine nestlings are called 'eyases'. The new eyases weigh about two ounces and are covered with soft white ... creature. Description An adult peregrine is about the size and weight of a crow. It has a body ... Great ... males! Peregrine moustaches, or malar lines, are like human ...
THe Zebra Storyteller
The Zebra Storyteller(new ending) (continued.... after paragraph five) So the little cat tied him up, killed him and dragged the zebra to his den. The cat had a feast that night. He was really proud of himself and what he was able to accomplish that day. Now, the cat really thought he was a lion. ...