Essays Tagged: "Animal welfare"

Animal Experimentation

IntroductionAnimal experimentation has been a part of biomedical and behavioral research for several millennia; ... ation has been a part of biomedical and behavioral research for several millennia; experiments with animals were conducted in Greece over 2,000 years ago. Many advances in medicine and in the understa ... ances in medicine and in the understanding of how organisms function have been the direct result of animal experimentation.Concern over the welfare of laboratory animals is also not new, as reflected ...

(7 pages) 239 0 4.4 Jun/1996

Subjects: Science Essays > Zoology

Animal Rights

Animal rights is a very fragile topic. Opposing sides have strong reasonsto stand for either of thei ... m based upon our own individualopinion, and the opinions are formed on how we feel about the facts. Animalresearch, test, and use has taken humanity a long way, with its advances inmedicine and as a m ... s a major source of food, but it is not morally correct toabuse, test, use, and ultimately kill the animals unnecessarily, especiallyfor our comforts, luxuries, and greed.Many benefits have been obtai ...

(3 pages) 133 0 4.0 Dec/1996

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Law

Animal Cloning

ANIMAL CLONINGThe advances to the biotechnology of animal cloning are very important to scientific t ... the biotechnology of animal cloning are very important to scientific technology and medicine today. Animal cloning is the production of one or more individual animals that are genetically identical to ... e production of one or more individual animals that are genetically identical to another individual animal. The most famous type is adult reproductive cloning, involving the duplicating of an existing ...

(2 pages) 126 2 4.8 Dec/2002

Subjects: Science Essays

Animal Experimentation

IntroductionAnimal Experimentation is when scientific researchers use animals in biomedical and veterinary resea ... diseases, developing new medicines, testing the safety of chemicals, improving the health of other animals and improving human health. It has been part of biomedical and behavioural research for seve ... een part of biomedical and behavioural research for several centuries (millennia); experiments with animals were conducted in Greece over two thousand years ago.Animal tests are carried out to see if ...

(4 pages) 74 0 3.3 May/2004

Subjects: Science Essays

Animal Rights

As Doctor Zola-Morgan stated in a speech to animal right activists, "I've seen the impact of the animal rights movement. I believe this is an at ... her than healers." The good is overlooked and the bad is exploited. Although many people think that animal research is morally wrong, animal research should continue because it is critical to continue ... continue because it is critical to continued progress in human health and alternatives to research animals are not available.Animal rights activists feel that animal research is immoral. They do not ...

(2 pages) 48 2 4.4 Jul/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine

Animal Research: A Life-Saving Technique

In a world without animals, human beings would probably live a short and miserable life. Why? Animal research has come ... es, tests, and research, people all around the world can live happier and healthier lives thanks to animal research. Without vital discoveries made from animal research, humans and animals would die o ... animals would die of diseases and viruses that would have been prevented or treated had there been animal research.Many advances in medical science have come from animal research. These include: vacc ...

(3 pages) 33 1 4.0 Mar/2005

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology

Animal Cruelty

The big question is "Do animals deserve the same rights as humans do?" One would think not because they are the inferior bei ... ough. They say that since they are living creatures they should have the same rights.One example of animals being mistreated is dog and chicken fights. These have already been made illegal in many pla ... eated is dog and chicken fights. These have already been made illegal in many places. In some areas animal cruelty is accepted because the live stock is their main source of food when the climate does ...

(1 pages) 63 0 1.0 Feb/2006

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Animal Testing

The Nature of Organisations and thier Information Requirements

problem* service organisations such as the health service* special interest groups such as animal welfare or environmental groups trying to change public opinion* clubs and societies such ...

(23 pages) 220 0 5.0 Jun/2006

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

Animal Cruelty

Animal cruelty is a growing problem, because you have people out there who believe that animals shou ... who believe that animals should not be used for science and there are people out there who believe animals are needed to do tests on. Animal testing is not a very good thing, because most of the time ... e animal feels a great deal of pain, and they are not given any medication to relieve the pain. The animals live in poor conditions and are not treated very well. Animal cruelty is not a very good thi ...

(3 pages) 58 1 4.6 Jun/2006

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues

"Alternatives To Animail Experiments

Alternatives to Animal Experimentation A few years ago I was taking a college Anatomy class at my high schoo ... t also influence the way I looked at science. The professor explained that we would be working with animals near the end of the term. I just thought, "hey, I really want to get a jump on my college ca ... emembered from my childhood. The concept of alternatives covers more than the replacement of animal use. In addition there are two other categories, reduction and refinement alternatives. . The ...

(7 pages) 1250 0 0.0 Apr/2001

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

Testing Drugs On Animals

Why are animals used as test subjects of medications that the human race will eventually rely on? The answer ... just tested it in Guinea Pigs we most likely would have declared it a toxic drug.Medical testing on animals has proved to be very positive in developing vaccines and treatments from the most minor bur ... and treatments from the most minor burn to serious diseases. There were 2,656,753 procedures using animals in 1999. Over the last 20 years, the annual number of animal experiments has been cut in hal ...

(3 pages) 6 0 3.0 May/2001

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology

Animal Experimentation

Animal Experimentation Animal experimentation is scientific research that involves testing with live ... ation Animal experimentation is scientific research that involves testing with live animals. Though animal experimentation can be inhumane, it is necessary because it advances scientific and medical k ... tation can be inhumane, it is necessary because it advances scientific and medical knowledge. Using animals for research and testing is needed because only a whole, living organism can provide data th ...

(4 pages) 44 0 0.0 Jul/2001

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology

Animal Farm Work Sheet

Animal farm Chapter 1 Word Study: Ensconced - Shelter, Conceal Synonyms - asylum, cover, covert Anto ... tening to a word of what he was saying.3. mayor called the meeting so he could tell the rest of the animals about his dream and his views.4. The political statement that emerges from mayors dream is t ... de;t give milk, heÕs to weak to pull anything, and he canÕt lay eggs.7. Mayor said no animal must ever rule over his own kind, and no animal must kill any other animal. All animals are e ...

(1 pages) 2894 0 0.0 Sep/2001

Subjects: Humanities Essays


1 October 2001 Dear Sir, I am writing to express my views on the International Fund for Animal Welfare video. I watched with disgust, but in some scenes it just made me feel physically sic ... emoved, and that is death and if no boy else stops this, a seal will be just another one of extinct animals that you read about in textbooks. So I hope you make the right decision and keep the law fro ...

(2 pages) 1389 0 0.0 Nov/2001

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

Animal Abuse

In this paper I hope to convince you, the reader, that animal get inhumanly treated each and everyday and that there are many ways you can help to stop it. ... reated each and everyday and that there are many ways you can help to stop it. Everyday millions of animals get killed in countless ways, for the pleasures of people. I'm talking about useless pleasur ... of people. I'm talking about useless pleasures, for instance, beauty products and clothing. Healthy animals get tested on just to see if senseless products are safe, when they are ways of testing on t ...

(3 pages) 9 0 0.0 Sep/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

What Is Happyness

new Horses, tack, equipment for sale.. .Clubs and Associations (547) new National and local clubs, animal welfare. . .Commercial Resources (810) new Employment, artists, gifts and jewelry, real estat ... OUNTING/TAX SERVICES ? Horse Income Tax Specialist ALTERNATIVE THERAPY ? Norfields Magnetic Therapy ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS ? Horse Health USA ART & GIFTS ? Exclusively Equine ? Horse Creek Online ...

(2 pages) 9 0 1.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology > Psychological Theories & Authors

Animal Experimation Position Paper (Against)

Animal Experimentation/Vivisection There are many scientific labs in the world that have ani ... n/Vivisection There are many scientific labs in the world that have animals in cages. These animals are not pets, they're underfed, sleep deprived, burned, chemically injected, amputated, tort ... pets, they're underfed, sleep deprived, burned, chemically injected, amputated, tortured half-dead animals. Vivisection (as animal experimentation is sometimes called) is extremely popular among scie ...

(3 pages) 25 0 3.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology

"Answer to Brut"

interesting scenario. The personas in the novel experience Family problems, socio-economic status, animal welfare and many other illegal acts, however they all overcome these paths in the ending.One ... how the lack of money causes conflict between families, their loved ones and their pets.This theme, animal welfare presents different categories of conflict which adds to the tension of the story. Eve ...

(3 pages) 9 0 4.0 Mar/2009

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

Animal Research. The pros and cons, and what we could do as people to stop it from happening.

Animal TestingEveryone knows that getting shampoo or other products, such as soap, in your eyes stin ... into your eyes against your will, or not being able to have a say in any treatment acted upon you. Animal testing is a dreadful thing going on in today's world, and there is not sufficient support in ... sufficient support in the surrounding community to spread the word about the atrocities committed. Animal testing is done on anywhere from 50-100 million animals annually, and it is an on-going resea ...

(6 pages) 2 0 0.0 Mar/2013

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Animal rights and the food industry

Ethics 400Ethical Treatment of AnimalsThe issue of animal rights is very complex. When referring to the ethical treatment of animal ... ly every meal. They may argue that this is survival and is justified; they would further argue that animals are not humans and were put on this earth for the benefit of man. Many also believe that it ... ns and were put on this earth for the benefit of man. Many also believe that it is necessary to use animals in medical research. They believe that testing various substances on animals may lead to fin ...

(11 pages) 2 0 0.0 Aug/2013

Subjects: Humanities Essays