Annotated Bibliography on how children are affected when their parents divorce

Essay by vq2009College, Undergraduate March 2006

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Divorce: How are the Children Affected?

Amato, Paul R. "Life-Span Adjustment of Children to Their Parents' Divorce." The Future of Children. 1994. information_show.htm?doc_id=75582.

The general differences among children from divorced and intact families are small. How a child reacts to their parents divorce is an indicator on whether or not the child will experience the typical problems of the offspring of divorced parents. How a child will adjust to their parents' divorce depends on a number of factors. The quantity and quality of contact with the parent who does not have custody, the parent's who does have custody parenting skills, the amount of conflict before and after divorce, and the amount of economic hardship a child witnesses, all effect the child. These causes can be utilized to determine the impact of divorce. Therefore, after the results are found, through the help of psychiatrists, divorced parents can help prevent a problem from affecting the child for the rest of their life.

From this source I learned even though a child has no control over a parent's divorce, the child, and parents, can take control of the child's life in order that the child is not scarred for life.

Amato, Paul R. and Jacob Cheadle. "The Long Reach of Divorce: Divorce and Child Well-Being Across Three Generations." Journal of Marriage and Family. 67(1): 191-205.

When two parents become divorced, the children are not the only ones to be affected. This study shows the third generation has the same problems from a first generation divorce, despite the fact the third generation is not around to experience the divorce. A parental divorce raises the probability of adulthood problems. When comparing two groups, one of adults with continuously married parents and the other of adults with divorced parents, the group of adults with...