Business Plan for a full-service multi-sport complex.

Essay by franchize222University, Master'sA-, October 2002

download word file, 10 pages 4.1


1.0 Executive Summary

The Premiere Courts will be a full-service multi-sport complex situated along Greensprings Highway in Birmingham, Alabama. There are currently no other sports facilities like this one anywhere in the Birmingham area. This plan will be used to define the scope of our services, as well as a means of gaining the necessary investments to open the facility. It will also be used on a continual basis in the evaluation of The Premiere Courts' mission, goals, and objectives.

The keys to success for The Premiere Courts are our ability to market effectively, creating an unmatched "cool" atmosphere where people will like to be, and hiring qualified/certified and knowledgeable staff to aid in the running of our programs and leagues.

The sports and fitness club industry is a booming business that according to research, produced over $10.6 billion last year and is expected to continue its current trend.

The Premiere Courts is conservatively projecting a $65,000+ net profit in it's first year of operation with this number increasing to over $280,000 by the end of year three.


The main objectives for The Premiere Courts are as follows:

1.Sell 750 memberships in year one, 1,000 by the end of year two, and 1,500 by the end of year three.

2.Organize and develop various sports leagues and make an effort to fill them to capacity (i.e. six different sports leagues running twice a year with 12 -16 teams per league).

3.Sponsor and support community events in our first year of operation.

4.Show a decent return to investors in the first year of operation.

1.3 Keys to Success

The Keys to Success for The Premiere Courts are as follows:

1. Marketing: Our objective is to make The Premiere Courts a common...