What changes do you think need to be made in today's society(with respect to your own country/region)?

Essay by GPSucks@useless.comHigh School, 12th gradeA, April 2004

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As the defeat of Nazi Germany spelled the end of an epoch of our history where people were treated based on their creed, a new age took root where a nation and its values were seen as the light to crawl to. This is as realistic as one can get without being biased.

Since the Nazis were given a bad rap (and rightly so), what made the saviors of Europe (and indeed the deliverers of humanity) great was perceived as a goal for all nations. Yet suffice to say that this option did not work for al nations, albeit a level of tolerance never before seen was achieved between different peoples.

Now let us jump ahead to today, where quite simply anything goes. Religion, once a torch by which nations identified themselves, has taken a back seat to a social atmosphere where what you want is more important to what it entails; and as any parent will tell you, what you want is not always good for you.

In the past, a society tied by values could work together to make itself better as a whole, working up the ladder where the different people n different levels added a bit to their sense of self.

Yet individuals today think only of ways to make a good life for themselves and care nothing for others. As "Who you are" has gained precedence to "Who you are a part of", people see no point in risking their time and resources to aid others and indeed family members are turned away and swindled just so that a sacrifice can be averted or an asset gained.

But even more recently, this adaptive attitude that required everyone to stay within their own circle has overflowed into a "sense of duty" where the more successful of...