English 223

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate November 2001

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Cinderella can be interpreted in many different ways. I can remember growing up, and seeing my sister and cousins idolizing it. I think of Cinderella as a somewhat, unbelievable fairy tale. The writers made the film to put into the minds of young women, that you must shoot for perfection and hunt down their prince. Cinderella is seen by many people to be very beautiful and innocent, but the film Ever After seeks to change that view. The Cinderella story that Ever After represents is very different, compared to the Cinderella stories from the past. Cinderella's looks have changed dramatically through the interpretation of this fairy tale over time. The film Ever After, makes an attempt to change the conventions of a typical Cinderella story, but in the long run Ever After is still a typical Cinderella story.

In Disney's and Charles Perrault's Cinderella, they show Cinderella as a poor and unfortunate peasant girl.

In Perrault's version, "She (Cinderella) slept right at the top of the house, in the attic, on a lumpy mattress, while her sister slept in paneled rooms where they had the most modern beds and mirrors"¦" She was seen doing everything that both her stepsisters and her stepmother tell her. When they come across an invitation to attend a Prince's Ball, Cinderella became ecstatic. She thought about what she would be wearing, but then a find out that she had nothing but rags. When the time arrived for the Landes 2 ball, the fairy godmother noticed the rags Cinderella was wearing, and turned them into a beautiful gown. She left for the ball in a gorgeous coach (that was a pumpkin) and told to arrive back by midnight or else. Cinderella was off to the ball, where she danced with the prince and...