George Eliot

Essay by xboxer98High School, 11th grade January 2008

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George Eliot once made the assertion about how in some cases some deeds must be done when one is in such a situation, therefore deeds that you aren’t enough until one has actually been in the situation themselves. Hence this quote qualifies and could be supported through the actions of Stalin who killed many and “Antigone” by Sophocles which shows actions that was necessary and morally correct which were also actions that went against state law.

Stalin is a historical figure who committed deeds which are not to pleasing. Stalin was responsible for the great economic success of his country but was also responsible for initiating purges in which many were either killed or sent to the death camp in Siberia. Stalin saw it to be vital to send people which he felt were interfering with his 10 years plan which was a plan he devised to make sure that Russia would recover its economy and boost steel production along with arms so they could compete with Germany.

In the process of doing this Stalin made everyone work long hours and for people who did not cooperate with his plans were either killed or sent to a death camp. By seeing the situation which Stalin was in, where he was aiming to boost the economy and produce more arms Stalin saw killing the people who resisted to this movement as an important factor. Ultimately this shows that you cannot judge a person based on deeds which they come without being in there situation yourself. Stalin felt by allowing the threats to exist would be like the end of the day for him.

Antigone by Sophocles shows a struggle between the moral/civil rights vs state rights experienced by the main character Antigone. One of her brothers received an honorable funeral while her other brother Polyneices did not. The state did not allow anyone to give him a proper burial but after Antigone talked with her sister she was convinced that she needed to regardless of the law that she would break. Antigone goes ahead and gives her brother a proper burial and later receives a punishment of death in a cave. George Eliot’s quote is completely accurate as seen by Antigone the deed which she committed was done so because she believed her brother should have gotten a proper burial which ultimately show what you see isn’t enough until you have actually been in the situation yourself.

George Eliot once made the assertion about how in some cases some deeds must be done when one is in such a situation, therefore deeds that you aren’t enough until one has actually been in the situation themselves. Antigone” by Sophocles which shows actions that was necessary and morally correct which were also actions that went against state law and actions of Stalin show how this quote is accurate and how you cannot judge the deed until you have been in a similar situation yourself.