High-performance Team

Essay by HYPERSDT November 2008

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According to Schermerhorn, Hunt, and Osborn (2005) high-performance team has core values, clear performance objectives, the right mix of skills, and creativity. There are several ways to create a high performing team they are communicate performance standards, in the first meeting tone should be set, develop a sense of urgency, members need to have the right skills, establish expectations for behavior, be a good leader by modeling expected behavior, routinely introduce new information, encourage team members to spend time together, provide positive feedback, and reward high-performance.

High-performance teams characteristicsThere are several characteristics of a high performance groups. There is contributive management creating an interdependence by authorizing shared responsibility where all members feel responsibility for the team members, the stages of team development "aligned on purpose is having a common sense purpose about why team exists and function it provides, high statement by having a environment of trust and open, truthful communication, paying attention occurs when change is seen as opportunity for growth, focused on task is done by keeping discussion s and relations focused on results, inspired abilities is done by applying all individual talents and creativity, and rapid response is described as identifying and acting on opportunities."

(Characteristics of a high-performance team, 2007)For teams to be high performing it's important for teams to first understand the stages of development (Working on teams, Stages of team development, p. 1-4). There are four stages of team development. Each stage of team development has its own distinct feelings and behaviors.

These four stages are helpful for recognizing team's behavior patterns. The first stage of team development is forming. During this first stage team members are feeling excited to be part of the team. Behavior during the forming stage is usually full of questions and team members might be experiencing uncertainty...