Jane Eyre

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 12th grade September 2001

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Jane Eyre In Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte proves that beauty is not only physical, but it is mental as well. Jane is not always looked at as being beautiful. Rather, her beauty comes from her intelligence. Jane spends the beginning of her childhood at her Aunt's house, where she struggles to become more intelligent by reading books. Jane still tries to learn even though her cousin insists that she is not allowed to do so since she is not a member of the family. After her cousin comments, Jane requests to read Gulliver's Travels from the library which she reads over and over again. Jane continues to read at whatever chance she gets, even though she is treated like an outsider.

Jane Eyre's next home is in the Lowood Institution, where she spends six years of her life learning to become intelligent, while remaining plain. Her lessons dealing with the unnecessary nature of physical beauty is when Mr.

Brocklehurst, the institutions main supporter, tells everyone to cut off their curled hair. The girls also have to get rid of their fancy clothing. By doing this, Jane feels that in life she must remain humble and stay out of the main parts of society. Lowwod gives Jane an education that means more to her than her simple appearance. Jane chooses to stay in a school that takes away any form of good looks, but it gives her a chance to better herself intellectually. Jane later works there as a teacher, since she feels she will learn more.

Jane becomes a governess in Thornfield, after learning in Lowood. At Thornfield Jane falls in love with her master, Mr. Rochester. His appearance seems ugly to most people, but Jane falls in love with him because of his intelligence. Neither Mr. Rochester or Jane are physically attractive, but their minds and hearts are joined. Physical appearances mean nothing to them; the only thing that counts is their intelligence.

Another woman comes into the picture, Ms. Blanche Ingram. Ingram is a very beautiful, sophisticated woman, while Jane on the other hand is a very plain woman. Ms. Ingram does not end up winning Mr. Rochestor's heart. Mr. Rochestor decides to choose Jane, because of her inner beauty. Mr. Rochestor decides that inner beauty is more important than the outer.

Jane has a tragic experience at Thornfield that forces her to leave without any money or any means of getting a job. Later she is taken in by her cousins who take her into their family. At the end of the novel, Jane returns to Mr. Rochestor at Frendean Manor, There she discovers that a horrible fire has caused Mr. Rochestor to become blind. The fire also gave him a deep scar on his face. Jane vows to take care of Mr. Rochestor despite his appearance. Jane eventually marries Mr. Rochestor even though he has become uglier. This act of unselfishness shows how Jane desires a man with inner beauty like her. Jane decides to remain with Mr. Rochestor because of his love, and intelligence he can give to her.

Throughout Jane's life, she had the opinion that intelligence overcame physical beauty. She learned these ideas at her Aunt's house and at Lowood. Jane can now become the intelligent person that she had strived for as a child. Maybe Jane not caring about her beauty was a bad decision, but because of that, she married Mr. Rochestor.

Charlotte Bronte shows that people should judge each other on what is in the inside and not on the outside. Jane's character shows that she can achieve anything, even though she is not the most beautiful woman in the world. The mind should be more attractive than the body.