MGT: 331 diversity

Essay by BWMP July 2004

download word file, 7 pages 4.3

Diversity in management, or lack thereof, is having the same mixture of women, blacks, and other minorities in management positions as there is in that local population. What this paper will talk about is some of the facts that business will have to face in regards to diversifying there workforce and there management. Also, it will discuss that while our workforce is becoming more diverse, the upper and middle management of many companies are not. Remember that having diversified workforce is not something a company should have, actually it is some thing that has happened or is soon going to happen due to the fact that we have a more diversified population. (Sutherland) This is why it is important that we train our management to deal with this inevitability. To the extent of the lack of diversity in management, it is somewhat alarming to see that while we have a rapid increase in the diversity of our population, and a pretty diversified workforce, we don't have well-diversified management in most companies.

Two-thirds of the companies surveyed in conjunction with a recent Newsday article have no blacks, Hispanics, or Asians at anything above the vice president level. Also, of all the companies surveyed only 13 percent of them said that they had more than one minority in their executive suite. Also while women have seen an increase that has actually out numbered the number of men in professional ranks, women only account for a mere 10 percent of the total number of executive officers in the top 25 companies. While women are getting the short end of the stick in the respect to jobs, women and other minorities are also not getting paid as much as men are. Of the 500 highest paid executives only 19 of them were female.