narrative techniques

Essay by normansamuelB, October 2014

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19th century, first person narration

A first-person narrative is a story narrated from the first-person perspective: the viewpoint of a character writing or speaking directly about themselves. A first-person perspective may also mean that the narrative is presented as if directly coming from a character's in-body point of view, portraying exactly what the character sees or experiences.

The narrators of written works explicitly refer to themselves using variations of "I" (the first-person singular pronoun) and/or "we" (the first-person plural pronoun) This allows the reader or audience to see the point of view (including opinions, thoughts, and feelings) only of the narrator. Other stories may switch from one narrator to another, allowing the reader or audience to experience the thoughts and feelings of more than one character or character plural.

First-person narratives can appear in three forms:

Interior monologue- In dramatic and nondramatic fiction, narrative technique that exhibits the thoughts passing through the minds of the protagonists.

Example: Fyodor Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground

dramatic monologue- refers to a type of poetry. These poems are dramatic in the sense that they have a theatrical quality; that is, the poem is meant to be read to an audience. To say that the poem is a monologue means that these are the words of one solitary speaker with no dialogue coming from any other characters. Example: Albert Camus' The Fall

Explicitly as in Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

Since the narrator is within the story, he or she may not have knowledge of all the events. For this reason, first-person narrative is often used for detective fiction, so that the reader and narrator uncover the case together.

In the first-person-plural point of view, narrators tell the story using "we". That is, no individual speaker is identified; the...