Organizationl Structure

Essay by Trinity369University, Master'sA+, September 2008

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The design of an organization's structure is one of the most important tasks that managers are responsible for. In order to design a structure that can achieve success in today's fast-paced and competitive global market, managers must take into consideration multiple factors, all of which have tremendous impact upon the organization. This paper will focus on four important factors. Those four factors are human resources, organizational environment, technology, and strategy. All four of these factors are critical and have exclusive aspects that lead to the good health or demise of an organization.

Organizational StructureIntroduction(This is where you introduce your topic to your readers, a paragraph or so is fine)Review of Literature(Your lit review should have some second and/or third level headings to direct your readers)The organizational structure of a company is one of the most important factors in its success, and a necessity in order to integrate multiple assets within an analytical framework (Susniene, 2008).

Just as in a building, if the foundation is weak, the structure will be weak and vulnerable. Jesus states that he who builds his house on a solid foundation, though the winds blow and the rains fall, the house will still stand (Matt 7 : 25-27 NIV). This paper will focus on four vital parts of an organization's structure, i.e. foundation. Those factors are human resources, organizational environment, technology, and strategy. All of these divisions of the organization are critical, and proper or improper application of these factors can lead to the success or failure of an organization.

The human resources function is an essential component to of organizational design (Mobrman, 2007). Several studies have been conducted on the growing importance of human resources within the organizational structure (About Human Resources, 2007, Taylor, 1911, Losey, 1998). As the science behind human resources continues to...